Agency Mgmt System

I started my agency from scratch last March. I have used a management system and Rater since day one. Check out QQ evolution. Amazing to work with and incredibly affordable. I use PL Rater for quoting. I have one other sales agent working for me and we are about to hit 700k in premium this week. At less than $150 per month the management system saves so much time with the downloads. My office averages 4 policies per day. If I had to enter that stuff in or pay someone to do it it would cost me a ton of $$ in time. If we had to do all that data entering on our own it would cut our production down by at least 1 policy per day.

How many carriers do you currently work with?
I started my agency from scratch last March. I have used a management system and Rater since day one. Check out QQ evolution. Amazing to work with and incredibly affordable. I use PL Rater for quoting. I have one other sales agent working for me and we are about to hit 700k in premium this week. At less than $150 per month the management system saves so much time with the downloads. My office averages 4 policies per day. If I had to enter that stuff in or pay someone to do it it would cost me a ton of $$ in time. If we had to do all that data entering on our own it would cut our production down by at least 1 policy per day.

Whats the secret behind you growing at such a fast rate? Do you focus on high premium commercial account or mostly PL's?
I work with 3 major multiline carriers. Safeco, Travelers, and Allied as of today. American Strategic, Bankers, progressive, Foremost & GMAC help provide flexibility to make sure I have something to help anyone. I currently do not have any commercial contracts and work through surplus brokers and my local SIAA chapter to facilitate commercial. I am probably 95% personal lines. No magic trick to growth just strategically found great referral sources from Mortgage brokers and other captive agents that don't have markets for their clients needs. I and my other agent really go after mortgage brokers heavily. They send us probably 1-3 referrals per day. We work with over 7 offices which house 4-7 brokers per office. We multiline all the referrals with life health and auto. We do 0 paid marketing and 0 paid leads. I go out one day per week and talk to my referral sources personally and thank them. Right now we are averaging about 100k in premium per month for the last 3 in a row. Call me anytime 864-509-0009. Miles.
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I must also add that I don't do this alone. I hired an additional sales agent and pay him very well. He and I write about the same each month to total the numbers.
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I work with 3 major multiline carriers. Safeco, Travelers, and Allied as of today. American Strategic, Bankers, progressive, Foremost & GMAC help provide flexibility to make sure I have something to help anyone. I currently do not have any commercial contracts and work through surplus brokers and my local SIAA chapter to facilitate commercial. I am probably 95% personal lines. No magic trick to growth just strategically found great referral sources from Mortgage brokers and other captive agents that don't have markets for their clients needs. I and my other agent really go after mortgage brokers heavily. They send us probably 1-3 referrals per day. We work with over 7 offices which house 4-7 brokers per office. We multiline all the referrals with life health and auto. We do 0 paid marketing and 0 paid leads. I go out one day per week and talk to my referral sources personally and thank them. Right now we are averaging about 100k in premium per month for the last 3 in a row. Call me anytime 864-509-0009. Miles.
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I must also add that I don't do this alone. I hired an additional sales agent and pay him very well. He and I write about the same each month to total the numbers.

Thank You. Do you know the mortgage brokers before, how did you initiate the relationship? :)
I joined a small networking group of about 4 guys and met the first mtg broker. I started to realize how lucrative that relationship was becoming and did a google search for all mortgage brokerages within 25 miles of my office. There were a lot. I made a goal to meet and introduce myself to one new broker per week. Some I have never even met. Just spoke to them on the phone. I also do lunches and breakfast for the offices occasionally. I try to start insuring the brokers themselves which in turn secures a better relationship and they start sending all their clients. It is work and you have to stay on top of them but you will eventually find 3 or 4 solid people you work with well and can start to rely on a certain amount of referrals. Most important is getting to know their processors. They are the ones that report how good and quick you are. Most of the time you may only work with the processors. Most important is having a carrier line up of monoline home carriers. I sell the home with ASI or Bankers then call them back to close on other products when they get settled into their home. 1 out 4-5 I will be able to close home and auto at the same time. Hope this helps. Feel free to call me. 864-509-0009. Miles
I work with 3 major multiline carriers. Safeco, Travelers, and Allied as of today. American Strategic, Bankers, progressive, Foremost & GMAC help provide flexibility to make sure I have something to help anyone. I currently do not have any commercial contracts and work through surplus brokers and my local SIAA chapter to facilitate commercial. I am probably 95% personal lines. No magic trick to growth just strategically found great referral sources from Mortgage brokers and other captive agents that don't have markets for their clients needs. I and my other agent really go after mortgage brokers heavily. They send us probably 1-3 referrals per day. We work with over 7 offices which house 4-7 brokers per office. We multiline all the referrals with life health and auto. We do 0 paid marketing and 0 paid leads. I go out one day per week and talk to my referral sources personally and thank them. Right now we are averaging about 100k in premium per month for the last 3 in a row. Call me anytime 864-509-0009. Miles.
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I must also add that I don't do this alone. I hired an additional sales agent and pay him very well. He and I write about the same each month to total the numbers.

Copying this for future reference... Well said and congrats on your successful strategy!!