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So if you live in a state other than Texas have your significant other get licensed and have him or her churn baby churn.The industry standard is if an agent has not submitted business for 6 months they are free to move to another IMO/agency. So if your current IMO/Agency will not release you, you have to stop writing business for 6 months. They can not legally prevent you from writing business. It just means that every time you submit business your 6 months starts over.
Churning business or rolling your block is NOT illegal in the the state of Texas. The DOI says it is perfectly fine as long as you are placing your client into a better situation and doing a proper replacement. However, you need to be careful and consider these factors.
1. If your client has had your original policy for over 2 years then you should leave them alone or only ad coverage. Why? Because they are past the incontestability period. If you replace that policy you are placing them into a new 2-year contest. If your client dies during the new 2-year contest and the new company does not pay the claim. The family could file a lawsuit against you.
2. If you are receiving renewals from the company that you are replacing. That company could terminate you and keep all your renewals. Most insurance companies do not tolerate an agent replacing their own business or other agents business that is appointed to the same company.
So let us say you are independent and have multiple contracts with insurance carriers. You come across an American Amicable policy that you can replace but you are also appointed to sell American Amicable. If you replace the policy an AmAm finds out, they will terminate you.
Also, to avoid being terminated for replacing business you have contracts with, just "forget" to fill out the replacement forms. Easy peasy.
PS: this is sarcasm