ALERT RE: 1st YEAR Commissions. MUST READ

they own me 30,000. + up till last week....most from Dec-march 31st.....
"This means for example that for 2009 MA plans with an initial year commission amount of $400 will pay a commission of $200 to their agents and brokers,
unless the enrollment is for a beneficiary newly entitled to Medicare or enrolling in a MA plan for the first time. "......

Thats CMS's own words!!!
I think it will be a good case. CMS had the list right and at the last minute someone got them to include part D as a MA plan which it is clearly not and sent out a new list.

Jim Sowder
Family 1st Insurance Brokerage
[email protected]

Trial lawyers like to be shown the money so lets see ....

I was expecting to be paid the true up commish on an additional 37 enrollments but only received 23 which is 35 % not paid. Let's be conservative and say that 25 % of enrollments for AEP where those with prior PDP that agents are being stiffed on. There is aprox 10 million on MA and aprox 1 million where enrolled in 2009. Lets say 50 % where enrolled by some type of 1099 broker thats 500 ,000 enrollments and 25 % of those had a prior PDP. That's 125,00 enrollments at 200.00 = 25 million in vanished commissions. These are rough numbers but it wouldn't be hard to get more exact fiqures. United States: Entire Medicare Advantage Profile - Medicare Health and Prescription Drug Plan Tracker
Lets face it, some if not all of these companies profits are down this year and the MA sales people are now a liability.
Once they get away with screwing the agents out the 1st year commisions it would not suprise me they start going after renewals.
I was expecting 63 policies to be paid and I got a whopping 16 paid, thanks CMS for making me lose my home at the beginning of this year.
I wouldn't take that. Say I wrote 50 GR cases and after all were issued they sent out a release:

Notice: We will not be paying any commission on HSA plans"

That causes me to not get paid on 30 policies? I'm in my attorney's office the next day - bet on it.
I wouldn't take that. Say I wrote 50 GR cases and after all were issued they sent out a release:

Notice: We will not be paying any commission on HSA plans"

That causes me to not get paid on 30 policies? I'm in my attorney's office the next day - bet on it.

What's that saying....the Government can do what they want to?

I wouldn't take it either. The PDP plan in force, disqualifying the agent from a first-year commission on something that was promised is a piss-poor excuse. Actually there isn't an excuse.
The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA) required that Medicare Advantage Organizations, such as UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company ("UnitedHealthcare'), adhere to the compensation guidelines established by CMS, create incentives for agents and brokers to enroll individuals in the Medicare Advantage plan that is intended to best meet a beneficiary's health care needs. See 42 C.F.R. §422.2274(a) and §423.2274(a).

I guess the Incentives where that you would be paid $400 a renewal amount up front of $200 and the Remaining $200 paid later....So the Incentive was commission they never really intended to pay. Do you MA agents feel like you where incentivized to enroll people in the best MA plan for them or do you feel CMS put up as many road blocks as possible and now is coniving the the carriers to screw you some more?