ALERT RE: 1st YEAR Commissions. MUST READ

Where is PPL at when you need him? We need a 'scarry' letter right about now!

I'm glad I don't really understand this thread. I'll keep my good ol' P&C sales, thank you!

I will not let this die. We as agents need to fight this. The first report cms sent out to companies included people with prior PDP coverage that joined an MAPD for the first time. I was paid on several hundred cases by three companies. These companies from the beginning of the selling season told me that if someone was joining an MA for the first time it did not matter if they had PDP coverage. Someone at cms interperted the law the same way all the agents and companies didbecause they sent out that first report. All of a sudden a new report is sent out taking out people that had prior PDP's. This is total bull ****. I will fight with the companies I write for and cms. We need for this to be fix.
I will not let this die. We as agents need to fight this. The first report cms sent out to companies included people with prior PDP coverage that joined an MAPD for the first time. I was paid on several hundred cases by three companies. These companies from the beginning of the selling season told me that if someone was joining an MA for the first time it did not matter if they had PDP coverage. Someone at cms interperted the law the same way all the agents and companies didbecause they sent out that first report. All of a sudden a new report is sent out taking out people that had prior PDP's. This is total bull ****. I will fight with the companies I write for and cms. We need for this to be fix.

Don't believe for one second that the companies are not 100% behind this action. Hell, Humana was behind the commissions being reduced from the start.

The companies will lay this off on CMS because they can for now. When the truth is out there, the companies are pulling the strings.
I have in writing from a company that i got paid on that I would receive the initial commission if I took someone from a drug plan and moved them to an MAPD for the first time. The first report included those people and I received the check. Good luck getting the money back, I made them put it in writing in November from their legal department because I had a funny feeling this was going to happen. These companies better start fighting with cms. Humana paid, coventry paid, Health Net paid and many more based on the first report. They will never get the money back from most agents and way should they!!!!
Google: Brodie v. Physicians Mutual Insurance Company , HHKC was lead counsel on behalf of 8,000 insurance agents nationwide resulting in a settlement of $47,500,000.00

We need to come together and calm down – there are plenty of law firms who will pound the crap out of this injustice. We just need to come together and form a class action.

The federal government has no precedent of changing its terms of payment for 3rd party contracted entities.

We represent, train for, and are compensated by Medicare (CMS). A good law firm will see this and go after the pre-November 15th commission schedule$. We will prevail! :biggrin:
Hello all!

FYI, I've updated my blog post on this issue to include an exact citation from the Code of Federal Regulations which seems to make our case all the stronger.

Thanks to one of the agents on my blog, I was introduced to the Acting Director of Medicare Drug Plan and Health Plan Contract Administration Group and I have e-mailed this to her with my contact information in case she wants to discuss with me.

I'm crossing my fingers here, but I hope to be able to report some positive news in this struggle to put an end to this travesty.

It seems to me that we have become employees of CMS. They are now determining when and if we will be paid . That being the case they must now be accountable. Just as any agency that does not pay commissions are accountable to the governing entity. In this case we have to start with our state DOI and most of all begin a furious email and writing campaign to CMS.
CMS has to be made to explain the process to us.How or why someone we enrolled that were in IEP of have never had a MA plan before would not pay initial year commissions.
The carriers seem to not know the answers as to how it is determined if our clients were placed on these lists that CMS generated.
This PDP and Medicare as a MA and not new to MA is a total misrepresentation and really an insult to our intelligence.CMS requires that the enrollees get a PDP almost immediately of face penalties. We were told that we would be paid first year commissions to those new to MA because of the extended time needed to educate tbe enrolles to the MA plans since they had never used one.On this basis, certainly new commissions should not be affected by the enrollee having a PDP, since the education is still necessary to these individuals. We desreve to be treated with dignity and paid fairly. I for one will be writing and emailing and CMS asking them to veriify my enrollments as elegible for 1st year commissions.I will begin to collect affidavits from them stating that are inded new to Medicare, or have never been in a Medicare Advantage plan before. If all else fails I am going to have my very happy, grateful beneficiares start to call and complain to CMS that they are unhappy with the way that their agent is being treated. We need to make sure that they hear us..Please lets make a plan We need to work together to be heard.. I feel betrayed but I'm not giving up.!

I did contact my DOI and I was told (I'm in Florida) that if I didn't get paid commissions it is a civil matter and I would have to retain a lawyer and settle it in court, the DOI only handles complaints by customers to go after us agents, hell with us getting paid, they are not there for that purpose.:no:
I did contact my DOI and I was told (I'm in Florida) that if I didn't get paid commissions it is a civil matter and I would have to retain a lawyer and settle it in court, the DOI only handles complaints by customers to go after us agents, hell with us getting paid, they are not there for that purpose.:no:

Ain't that just lovely! :1wink::nah:
The Texas Department of Insurance Fruad Hotline is 1-888-327-8818. Each state has one, and they have to follow up every complaint.