Heres a couple allstate true stories:
One "producer" slammed--400 policies with NO RC on contents--200-300 multi-policy discounts that didn't belong---giving other discounts S.O.P at will over 4+ years----
Now mind you--this is an EXTREME example--But is IS THE allstate way--
My manager at the time--turned her into the NYSID for ONE email for giving a "windstorm protective device discount" that did not qualify--I was called into the NYSID Albany office to "explain"---My Manager--(SM) told me "they don't need to know anything else---this should be enough to 'hang her'"
Well--guess what--they slapped her on her hand--and she is seling --slamming--non-standard clients all day long---and I was the one--( actually--one of four who held the bag ) for an 'untouchable' allstate manger who--lied--manipulated--deceived---etc etc etc
---2nd story--she did it over a 4 year period---and--I was the 4th agent to get her crap--after allshate management--(SM) decided to let her ride as their appointed agent only to let me hang on her crap business---and try to ruin her with one email on giving a discount that did not belong---unsuccessfully---and to coach me--"not to tell everything"---SOP--
This is only the tip of the Iceberg. In my county resides a retired Allstate Manager/on a fat disability pension. His arrangement with his agent, resulted in a leased Mercedes every four years. The little turd sits around gambling all day. Ethics my ash.

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