Allstate Scratch VS. Purchasing BOB

moonlightandmargaritas said:
Thanks, appreciate your input, but the original post didn't specify (or even mention) homes.

Then that makes it a GOOD day!!!

The OP doesn't specify (or even mention) auto either..
moonlightandmargaritas said:
Yes, thank you for making my point so eloquently. The point was that Allstate DOES sell in all states. As you point out, no lines were specified.

True. The only reason I brought it up is let's say Allstate just stopped writing home in Florida. He needs to be careful not to buy a BOB. The agent might be trying to sell before it collapses.
yeah Astate doesnt do their multi line anymore so you'll be doing auto only.

also heard from my Astate guys i know 3, they are dropping the commission down another 2%

and does Astate own E...surance now? and they are cheaper then Astate