Allweb Leads


I know internet leads have been discussed a lot before, but I can't find much on all web leads. What have been the experiences with them ?
They are based in Austin, where I live. Anyone know how they generate their leads and which ones they are focused on?
They are based in Austin & IMHO, they do a pretty decent job. We don't see eye to eye on some things, but I do like most of their folks I've met. I'd like the folks that say "XYZ" company "sucks" to start giving a bit of content as to why "they suck."

Did you try 100 leads? Did they not give you credit for the bad leads? Was it because you could not close the deal? Why did they "suck?"

If you only bought 10 leads then I'm sorry, IMHO, you don't have enough data to make a good decision. If you tried them over a year ago, then again, give us the details but IMO, that is not a recent enough experience as fast as things change in this business/industry.

It is so easy to cast stones anonymously & as you know from your own business experience, more people complain [the 5% that don't like you for whatever reason] than the 95% of folks that love you but never say a word:(

Anyway, knowing the "why" helps everyone much more than saying "stay away" or "they suck."

My opinion & a buck, unfortunately, won't buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks!
Tried them 6 months ago. They are a bankrate company which is a big red flag. I would say that they were probably the worst lead company that we tried. 100 leads, closed less than 5, even out of those, 2 weren't shopping for insurance. Most of the other 95 didn't answer the phone or emails (if they were valid) ever.

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