American Continental Final Expense

If you are just now starting to receive stuff from them, you are just a young 'un. .. Wait until you start receiving Depends coupons.. then you can say you are getting old. :D:D

I'll be 50 later this year. My wife who's older than me started getting the AARP stuff after she turned 50.

I could have used the Depends coupons this week. I was sick as a dog last night and a Depends would have made life a little easier - Maybe we shouldn't go there :no:
I'll be 50 later this year. My wife who's older than me started getting the AARP stuff after she turned 50.

I could have used the Depends coupons this week. I was sick as a dog last night and a Depends would have made life a little easier - Maybe we shouldn't go there :no:

Much too much information..:1rolleyes: