Annuity Prospecting System

Alright- I am going to bite the bullet and try a appt service. My summer seminars totally sucked (went from 3% response 5 years ago to .025% today) and there has to be a better way. (BTW- Why do you always take two Mormons with you when you go fishing??)
Alright- I am going to bite the bullet and try a appt service. My summer seminars totally sucked (went from 3% response 5 years ago to .025% today) and there has to be a better way. (BTW- Why do you always take two Mormons with you when you go fishing??)

Is the summer just slow in Utah? Are you using a decent restaurant? has it been a downward trend for the past 5 years?
This booklet annuity prospecting is virtually identical to the program that Larry Klein used to sell about 7-10 years ago through his now bankrupt NF Communications. The booklet (His was called Annuity Owner Mistakes) the cover letter sent with the booklet and the ads are strikingly similar.

Another guy, Hans Jenau, had the same type of system. I remember them suing each other over it. I used Larry Klein's system for a couple of years and it worked - sort of.

I am in California, so the ads in senior newspapers were more like $700 - not $75, or whatever is quoted in this guys web site. The ads would get about 30 responses, so they were about $23 per lead. Ads in a regular local newspaper would get very few responses.

Folks would call our 800 number and order the booklet. The responses were similar to direct mail leads.

I did make money from the program, but along the lines of a 2 or 3 to 1 return. It was borderline worth it. I would spend $2,000 a month to make $6,000, but it was a lot of follow up and running around.

I have been in the business for 30 years and sell a lot of annuities. I got some good clients from this type of marketing but nothing remotely like his testimonials.

Good Luck.

Hi, Where in So Cal are you?
Alright- I am going to bite the bullet and try a appt service. My summer seminars totally sucked (went from 3% response 5 years ago to .025% today) and there has to be a better way. (BTW- Why do you always take two Mormons with you when you go fishing??)

So how did it go ??? please fill us in....:)
Hey Budfox... do you have any experience selling annuities?

Are you the least bit suspicious of a guy who only wants to hire the inexperienced?

There is no "magic" system.

Do federal employees have unique situations? Yes.

If I were to hire people to work this market, I would not exclude experienced agents.

If you go with this, please share your commission level. I'm curious what kind of haircut you will take.

A new guy lol. sure would love to be, would have saved lots of headakes ! I am broker that cross sell's insurance paidtai
It looks like several people are looking for annuity marketing systems and I feel compelled to explain more about what we do in hopes of connecting some good agents with prospects in need.

We work with Postal employees (recession proof). This market is untouched by financial advisors but the largest sector within the federal government (800,000 employees).

Our company is certifed on their benefit and retirement systems (we can provide training) and we use that knowledge to build credibility with the client and then encourage them to rollout their gov't 401k.

Here's the part that blew me away. I turned in rollover paperwork on a deal Jan 25, and I got my check yesterday. The government 401k transfers money in 2 weeks and there is no one inside trying to "save the deal". I had one client last week that had an insurance agent that they really liked, but he knew nothing about the Federal Benefit plan. I got the rollover, he didn't.

We also use a seminar marketing system. No meals to pay for- just set up a room and they will come. I am averaging 1-2 rollovers per seminar and average balance has been 100k. There are some $200k plus deals out there in the rural areas where the client has lower cost of living and other assets as well.

If anybody thinks they would like to look into this more- please let me know what city and state you live in. Must have $1,000,000 E&O.

KEY POINT: if you are looking for the highest contracts don't bother calling. This system is about a niche lead system where you can experience a 70% close ratio on a one call close. If you are more interested in your 1099 than your contract percentage- this can be fore you.

So, whatevr became of this guy? Did anyone here ever hook up with this guy and his program?
I think his web site was or some such thing with an office in missouri somewhere, it's in this forum somewhere as I just read about it in the last 2 or 3 weeks??
I like the booklets. I use one on my website as a way to capture peoples info.

Once they put in their info., an auto responder goes out telling them I will be contacting them. I call them and go from there...

I also use the booklet as a thank you for your business and I get referrals.

I work with the author. He gave me the scripts, html, a website, and book for just over $200 and trained me on it. I got all dialed in in under 30 mins.

Contact me for his system. I would be glad to share my experience and give you his phone #.