Annuity Prospecting System

Hey Budfox... do you have any experience selling annuities?

Are you the least bit suspicious of a guy who only wants to hire the inexperienced?

There is no "magic" system.

Do federal employees have unique situations? Yes.

If I were to hire people to work this market, I would not exclude experienced agents.

If you go with this, please share your commission level. I'm curious what kind of haircut you will take.

No brother, I do not offer contracts. I work for a wire. So I really do not know where you are coming from ?? Yes Ive been selling annuities for 3 going on 4 years VA's EIA, and fixed and anything else under the sun.
Just saw your reply to an old post of mine.

I'm suspicious of the guy making the offer for the postal employees program. Not sure why you thought I was asking if you offer contracts. Somehow, I knew you were with a wire house.

You're ok in my book. Nothing wrong with trying to find ways to get in front of more potential clits.
Take a look in the Veteran Aid and Attendance benefit. I have been at the annuity game for 6 months and now have 2 assistants because I targeted this market.

I freaking hate cold calling and I have built relationships with some local professionals that give me all there financial stuff because it's not worth it to them. (lawyers) This is about 5 appointments a week, but the best part is nobody is wasting my time. The lawyer needs my service in order to get paid.

Also, I learned about some social media tactics that gave me about 15 leads the first week. (5 wasted my time) I'm getting better as time goes on.

Good luck! If you want more information than please ask... as long as your not in my area : )
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PS: The social media stuff was actually a project I requested be done by an college marketing class (local friend is the prof.) and after they did the research it went full go and has been very advantageous.
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Wow. This sounds too good to be true!

Take a look in the Veteran Aid and Attendance benefit. I have been at the annuity game for 6 months and now have 2 assistants because I targeted this market.

I freaking hate cold calling and I have built relationships with some local professionals that give me all there financial stuff because it's not worth it to them. (lawyers) This is about 5 appointments a week, but the best part is nobody is wasting my time. The lawyer needs my service in order to get paid.

Also, I learned about some social media tactics that gave me about 15 leads the first week. (5 wasted my time) I'm getting better as time goes on.

Good luck! If you want more information than please ask... as long as your not in my area : )
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PS: The social media stuff was actually a project I requested be done by an college marketing class (local friend is the prof.) and after they did the research it went full go and has been very advantageous.
Why would they trust you having only 6 months experience in the business?.................Answer; They don't!

still can't get over the fact some solo guys can mkt better than your mkt company? I understand times are tough, but just because no chump has bought some "GREAT MAILERS!" doesn't mean you have to be bitter.

Why do they trust me?
  1. I'm a Vet that has specialized in this Vet benefit
  2. I bring them to an attorney I have a relationship with and if they are a canidate for the benefit the attorney sets them up and than recomends my service (professioanl recomendation)
Also, not all these clients are suited for this benefit so they go in a different direction with the attorney. Now do you think the attorney appreciates me bringing his firm clients each week? He sends people to me as well in return..... in fact...... I'm going to his Christmass party.
still can't get over the fact some solo guys can mkt better than your mkt company? I understand times are tough, but just because no chump has bought some "GREAT MAILERS!" doesn't mean you have to be bitter.

Why do they trust me?
  1. I'm a Vet that has specialized in this Vet benefit
  2. I bring them to an attorney I have a relationship with and if they are a canidate for the benefit the attorney sets them up and than recomends my service (professioanl recomendation)
Also, not all these clients are suited for this benefit so they go in a different direction with the attorney. Now do you think the attorney appreciates me bringing his firm clients each week? He sends people to me as well in return..... in fact...... I'm going to his Christmass party.

This all seems so vague,

I dont really think anyones is bashing you. For that matter I dont even think anyone can even really make sense of what your doing to make fun of.

BTW. When you say social networking are reffering to myspace/facebook twitter, things like that?
Yes, he was referring to facebook, etc. He's posted it on several threads thusfar.

I think there is a way to merket thru them, and I am as well. Been successful so far on the ones I sent out, but I'm guessing I'm going about it differently than he is. I would say my marketing on facebook is thru 'luke-warm' leads. You know, people I went to school with 20 years ago and haven't seen in 20 years. That type thing.