Another Feature of Obamacare

Re: Another Feature of Obamacrap

Based on the prior notation that we were paying $ 220 of the premium per month it would lead one to believe it was a total payback of the APTC meaning outside of the 400% FPL...

Thats what lead me to my question.

I guess what I'm not understanding here is that if he's still in the range for an individual to receive subsidy (meaning doesn't exceed the 400% FPL) - wouldn't the clawback rules that were established to protect someone from being punished dollar for dollar if their estimate was incorrect, be in effect? The tables for these were limits of payback for a family of $600 and an individual roughly $350 or so . . .

Those clawback limits were discussed extensively in other threads on this board. I guess those rules don't apply now?
Re: Another Feature of Obamacrap

I guess what I'm not understanding here is that if he's still in the range for an individual to receive subsidy (meaning doesn't exceed the 400% FPL) - wouldn't the clawback rules that were established to protect someone from being punished dollar for dollar if their estimate was incorrect, be in effect? The tables for these were limits of payback for a family of $600 and an individual roughly $350 or so . . .

Those clawback limits were discussed extensively in other threads on this board. I guess those rules don't apply now?

Not if they're reported income exceeds 400% FPL
Re: Another Feature of Obamacrap

$1250 max for someone between 300-400% FPL.
$750 between 20-300
unlimited above 400%

Folks, a young person can make $25,000 and not be eligible for a subsidy in many areas of the country. 400% FPL has nothing to do with anything if you are young. It's all age and second silver price in the county they reside in.
Re: Another Feature of Obamacrap

Everyone's on the right page. He was broke for 4 months so received enough subsidy to be on a 94 Silver (I think that's right). He then got hired so was able to cancel the plan. His income for the remainder of 2014 was in the $50-60K range.

Clearly once he started working he was no longer subsidy eligible. My issue is if we allowed him to be on Medicaid for those 4 months there would be no clawback.

My call to my congressman's office (Brad "socialist" Sherman) yielded a "this conversation is making me uncomfortable. I'll see if someone in the legislative department can call."

Apparently asking the question of "Why" and then pointed out that maybe the Congressman could have read the bill to justify the "why" annoyed to civil servant.

I've been opposed to Obamacrap from the start and made the decision to avoid the program if at all possible. I know I made the right decision for me. It's nothing but a pain in the Harry Reid to deal with.

And yes, I understand it's based upon the annual income and the taxpayers should not subsidize people who don't need it. But if it created more good than bad it wouldn't be garbage. Unfortunately, it is garbage.

Re: Another Feature of Obamacrap

They will tell you to appeal their verdict. That's about it. No accountability at all!!!

No they won't. I questioned the congressman's judgement so I'm sure nobody with have the nads to call.

It's how government works.

The only thing worse than a democrap is a republitard. And visa versa.

Re: Another Feature of Obamacrap

And yes, I understand it's based upon the annual income and the taxpayers should not subsidize people who don't need it. But if it (ObamaCare) created more good than bad it wouldn't be garbage. Unfortunately, it is garbage.


Indeed! This beast is way bigger than what we see & experience as agents. GarbageCare has tentacles that are strangling several sectors of our economy simultaneously.