Another Obamacare Delay

I'm curious what caused this. Rates have already been submitted, based on the caps.

Its not clear to me that the out of pocket caps really have much affect on premium, unlike policy caps which do. Out of pocket caps usually only come into play on people who already have high utilization anyway.

How (why) do you change something like this at this late stage?

I'm assuming they have pockets of the country that have no, or at least very limited, carrier coverage and are using this as a way to fill in some gaps. I'm at a loss to see what this really is for.

Plans have already been submitted to states DOI and moved to the Feds for approval.

This is crazy!
This is absolutely disgusting and bs.

Forcing people out of plans with a lower MOOP for no other reason than to help fund those who have never paid for insurance in the past.

What happened to the Obama 'if you like your plan you can keep it' pledge"

Let's update the old joke about an attorney to 'How do you know when the President is lying?'

Answer, of course, is 'when his lips are moving'

What a crock...
I had the same thought as many of you, why remove this rule when plans have already been designed, priced, submitted, and approved in compliance with this rule?

This delay is from FEBRUARY.

The reasoning:

"so that such small group market health insurance coverage may exceed the annual deductible limit if it cannot reasonably reach a given level of coverage (metal tier) without exceeding the deductible limit."

AKA, if you're an insurer in the SMALL GROUP market and can't design a plan that hits the metal tier limits, you may use non-compliant MOOP for the first year in order to hit the necessary AV.
Latest Obamacare Carve Out a Boon to Big Insurance | Fox News

This "gift" to health insurance companies should be the last thing this Administration would want. Something's not right here. I bet HHS will amend the language to restore the OOP limits as they're designed in the law. After all, companies have been setting deductibles and co-insurances for decades. The excuse that computer language for adjusting them is too complicated is pure Bullsheet.

Maybe the Administration is LOOKING FOR A REASON to announce a year, or more, delay of ObamaCare's promises and need political cover. This OOP delay could be the one that makes most consumers ask for Obamacare to be put on the back burner until a later date. The administration could lay it on the "inept" insurance companies.

Senator Rand Paul is working feverishly today to stop this Administration from making excuses and shunting responsibility, as a build-up to delaying the overall Affordable Care Act 2014 implementation. Go get em Senator! Make them OWN their Frankenstein.

Story: ObamaCare cap on out-of-pocket costs delayed, Sen. Paul calls move 'illegal' | Fox News

Just more smoke and mirrors. Many plans have already removed annual and lifetime caps. This latest ploy is peanuts.

The real driver of rates (at least in the IFP market) is community rating and GI. In some states that will also impact small group.

All these announcements are designed to make it SEEM the govt is trying everything they can to keep premiums in check. Then when premiums double any way they will tell the consumer it is the bad insurance companies that are just being greedy.

Do you really expect the low information crowd to understand what is REALLY driving health insurance premiums?
I don't think this has to do with cover for rates, I think it has to do with cover for the expectation that was set that you wouldn't have a high deductible or much out of pocket other than the premium (which you don't have to pay, someone else does).

The problem they were going to run into in a few months is the minor fact that people are going to see that they still have a deductible, which was what a lot of individuals complained about prior to reform and fixing the insurance carriers. Now, premiums are higher and they still have a deductible? How do you explain this? New cover - we had to waive some stuff to make this happen, it will get fixed soon, if you vote for us.

Yeah, maybe I'm getting a bit paranoid.....

The problem they were going to run into in a few months is the minor fact that people are going to see that they still have a deductible, which was what a lot of individuals complained about prior to reform and fixing the insurance carriers. Now, premiums are higher and they still have a deductible? How do you explain this? New cover - we had to waive some stuff to make this happen, it will get fixed soon, if you vote for us.

Yeah, maybe I'm getting a bit paranoid.....

Pretty much on track.

O was re-elected on the promise of continuing what he started plus more give aways.

Free phones.

Student loan forgiveness.

Mortgage loan forgiveness.

Easier access to food stamps and lifetime unemployment benefits.

Romney never had a chance.