Another One Bites the Dust

Well stop playing here. Those calls cost $3.99 per minute.

Not if you call the girls in India...I have the hook up.

By day they work for aol, at&t and dell doing tech support and night,,they talk junk to me for .99 cent a min...

It takes some time to get use to,,but they are nice..
they talk junk to me for .99 cent a min...

Yeah, but they string you along to keep you on the phone longer. Just when you are ready to get off, in a manner of speaking, they say something to remind you of your 2nd grade teacher.

It takes some time to get use to,,but they are nice..

The accent does take a bit getting used to.
13 years of marriage and my secret is 3 romantic vacations per year. Then I'll also do something with my wife.

My wife came downstairs today with a bunch of travel brochures and said "This year I want to go somewhere I've never been before."

I said "Try the kitchen."

Re: beware health insurance refugees

Is anyone familiar with a company called what a scam!!! i gave these people almost $2,000--they claimed they would provide training and leads to sell final expense over the phone. the "training" turned out to be a series on webinars rcvd via email, and when I got the "leads" the people had no idea why I was calling. It was a hoax. BEWARE health insurance refugees--don't get ripped off like i did!:1rolleyes: