Another One Bites the Dust

Nick, I have had several different marriages but all to the same beautiful woman. We have been married 37 years.
In all honesty, 13 years here and happily. I'm very lucky to have married a very special kind of woman who can handle the sales roller coaster. It takes a lot for a wife to from eating filet mignon to Ramen noodles back to filet and back to Ramen noodles. And that's killed more marriages of friends of mine than anything else.

From what I've seen they need to change the marriage vows to "In good times...but in bad I'm the hell out of here."

Money also seems to be the grand killer of marriages regarding handing it. After a few years here's what worked for us: Wife has her own account, I have mine, then we have joint. Joint is marriage savings and bills. Her account is for her to spend at will - same with me.

This method works for us since all the dough gets dumped into joint first - everything gets paid by X% of savings. After that it gets split and rolled into each other's personal accounts. This way I can go spend money on basically anything without her checking the account and saying "why'd you just spend $48 on "that" yesterday?" me privately and I'll tell you about "mad money."
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this marriage will not end in divorce just one of ours deaths

Ruth Graham, wife of evangelist Billy Graham, was once asked by Barbara Bush (wife of George) if she ever considered divorce as an option.

Her response?

"Divorce? No. Murder, yes."

To which Mrs. Bush replied "I can understand that".
A Guy was so embarassed buying tickets at the Airport, that he told another friend his story. He accidentally asked for "two titties to Pittsburgh", instead of "two tickets to pittsburgh", when talking to the voluptuous woman at the ticket counter.

His friend laughed and said he was sure that she understood, that's just a freudian slip. The guy said "freudian slip" what's that?

He said well, it's when you mean one thing and say another, just the other night at the dinner table, I meant to ask my wife to pass the salt, but what came out was "you freaking bitch, you've ruined my life".
I have to say, I love you guys.

Thanks for all the well wishes, advice, stories and jokes. My soon-to-be wife and I are cracking up reading this thread together.

Just 29 hours of bachelorhood left!