Another "Rip Off" lead company

The reason that I have a high closing ratio is twofold:
1. I work evening and weekends (Far less competition to be first on the phone) [See post by Sti]
2. I spend a lot of time selling myself and building a rapport, plus I always "Piss in the well" for those that follow.

Yes PM and weekend can add big time to your bottom line.

I just want to know what is "piss in the well" ???

Never heard that one before...
Piss in the well - make it so anyone coming after you won't have a good experience if they try to drink from the well.

I'm assuming he meant he makes comments about how he is there to help and everyone else is there just to take the money and make the sale. Something to the effect of I have better plans than anyone else, I have better service, everyone else is crap, crap, crap (or is that piss, piss, piss).

How you do that without sounding like your a self-serving salesman is beyond me. But I have known people who do it well.

If you do it right, pissing that is, you will not have a problem with follow up agents or even those who contacted the person before you.

Every week I get calls & emails from prospects I have not (yet) been able to contact. They have been put through the wringer but have also taken time to read my approach email and even visited my website. In other words, they know a bit about me before we even talk.

I wrote a guy last PM that way. He emailed me, wanting to know if I could help. He was being bombarded by calls from pitch men pushing a product before they even knew what he wanted or needed.

That was a $325/monthly premium on a single male.

I am a firm believer in treating people with respect in a business like manner. I tell them what is going to happen as soon as they hit the submit button and how they will be man-handled by other agents.

Seems to be working fine for me.

And this . . .

I get 5:1 return on my lead purchases. If I can't make at least 3:1 I move on to another vendor.
My advise would be to cancel your credit card that lowquotes has on file with you...Lowquotes is a fraud. They have gone by the following names:


Go to the BBB website and type any of those names and you will see that they have a terrible rating...The ringleader is a guy named Greg Morgan. When it was Quotesmyway, they w/d over $900 with no reason. When I spoke with Greg he informed me that he will credit my CC immediately...THAT WAS BACK IN OCTOBER!!