Answers to Objections for Health Insurance


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I saw some threads for "Objections in Health Insurance" but the last post was 8-15-09. Can anyone offer answers to the objections you are facing now in 2011? I appreciate your help and thank you in advance.
One reason why I made my career in health insurance was because there really were no objections. The need was obvious.

If it isn't they are too stupid to be a client.

If someone doesn't want to pay the premium I can't make them. If they think they can get something for nothing I can't convince them otherwise.

If they need surgery or are pregnant and need maternity coverage I send them to PCIP.

If they can't afford medicine I give them a link to Blue Sky or refer them to a PAP.

If they just don't want to buy health insurance I see no reason to waste my time trying to convince them otherwise.
One reason why I made my career in health insurance was because there really were no objections. The need was obvious.

If it isn't they are too stupid to be a client.

If someone doesn't want to pay the premium I can't make them. If they think they can get something for nothing I can't convince them otherwise.

If they need surgery or are pregnant and need maternity coverage I send them to PCIP.

If they can't afford medicine I give them a link to Blue Sky or refer them to a PAP.

If they just don't want to buy health insurance I see no reason to waste my time trying to convince them otherwise.

May I have the link to Blue Sky and what is PAP? I want to thank you for your answer. I have only been selling for a little over a year and if they can't afford it or don't see the value I have just moved on to the next prospect. I want to make sure I'm not missing anything.

I am with HCO but I wondered if there was information that is geared for the GA market for health insurance because when I listen to webinars a lot of times it is geared for Colorado.
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PAP = Patient Assistance Program, such as SPIN.

You are not missing anything. I have the same feeling about other forms of insurance. If I have to convince you that your family needs life insurance on your life then you must not be much of a husband or father.

Don't know much about HCO other than they have been around a while and seem to have a decent reputation.

Back to health insurance.

Took a call from a father last week looking for health insurance on his 14 yr old son. Only option is STM or a basic plan.

I explained the options and his response was, can't I just take him to Grady?

At that point I was done with him. I gave him a URL to use for STM and said everything you need to know is right there.

About an hour later I got a notice he bought the STM.

Call this week if you want to talk. Contact info is in my sig link.
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PAP = Patient Assistance Program, such as SPIN.

You are not missing anything. I have the same feeling about other forms of insurance. If I have to convince you that your family needs life insurance on your life then you must not be much of a husband or father.

Don't know much about HCO other than they have been around a while and seem to have a decent reputation.

Back to health insurance.

Took a call from a father last week looking for health insurance on his 14 yr old son. Only option is STM or a basic plan.

I explained the options and his response was, can't I just take him to Grady?

At that point I was done with him. I gave him a URL to use for STM and said everything you need to know is right there.

About an hour later I got a notice he bought the STM.

Call this week if you want to talk. Contact info is in my sig link.

Thanks, I will do that.
Depends on why or what they are objecting to. Some things you can overcome but the something-for-nothing attitude you cannot.
Bob, hit it on the head. You could waste precious time and energy focusing on the wrong demographics. It's also important they they have a bank account! Nothing worse then getting to the application and finding out they use money orders or prefer to "send in payments."