Any Guaranteed Issue Life\FE for 26 yo in TX?


26 y.o female with rare incurable illness and unknown life expectancy but human estimates are ~ +/- 4 years. Graded death benefit fine. Wanting FE or anything to help defer funeral. Found some for older ages but none so far for her age. Thanks!
Another alternative might be LifeShield's GI term product. 5 year renewable. Would be $35 for 25K or $38 for 50K.

In case of death in year 1 they will pay back premiums +20%. Year 2 they will pay 20% of the face amount. Year 3 is full face amount.
26 y.o female with rare incurable illness and unknown life expectancy but human estimates are ~ +/- 4 years. Graded death benefit fine. Wanting FE or anything to help defer funeral. Found some for older ages but none so far for her age. Thanks!

Senior Life has a GI for 0 to 85 . . .

Benefit: first 3 years: 110% of premiums paid; Year 4+: full face amount for natural death