Any Opinions on Western and Southern?

Not true.

Every insurance company is always hiring. Every single one.

That is true. However, it is true that some companies are more aggressively recruciting constantly: AGLA, Western-Southern, Combined, Bankers, AFLAC, etc. These companies do have more turnover and shorter tenure by agents.
[FONT=Verdana","sans-serif]"Quantum Leap" in a nutshell as I remember it is having every sales rep, manager and district manager doing the samethings at the same time. Such as call sessions and service work. It really doesn't mean anything and it is another way to micro management which isn't necessarily a bad thing it just depends on your style. I would also just ask them what it means instead of asking people online I am sure that you will get a better answer and be able to hold them accountable example if I tell you what something is and you believe me an internalize it then when your manager tells you how they do it you will confuse yourself. Also Quantum Leap can change at any minute from what I saw it as so I felt that it was basically saying "you will not be able to do the same crap you have been doing for years even if you get results, you have to do things our way!" But again just ask them what it is to them.[/FONT]
I have worked at a bunch of companies, I don't stay long, unfortunately. Been at a million of them and quit. Worked for AGLA, Mutual of Omaha, several debit companies. Went to training at Combined and quit. Worked for torchmark companies. Western And Southern was one that I liked a lot.

Unfortunately my style of selling did not jive with theirs, I guess. I am a door knocker, they wanted a phone pro. Oh well. If you are willing to work the phones, you will be fine.