Anybody Using a Standing Desk?

Have you ever done any exercises to strengthen your core? Doing some two times a week could seriously help. You should be able to find a workout you like on YouTube.

Thanks, but I'm in pretty good shape. Core is very strong. Like I said, it's not my low back, which benefits most by a strong core. And to answer your question, yes, I do exercise regularly. I could probably teach some folks a few things. Plus, my son is a certified personal trainer and has forgotten more about fitness than I'll ever know. But by the end of the day I usually have some upper back/neck issues which works its way to my shoulders. More tension than anything.

I'm a former athlete ( I say former because I really don't play as actively as I once did). I used to hit the gym hard, but just try and maintain now with some weight and resistance training. I used to be in both a softball and basketball league. Just got to where I didn't have the time for it anymore while the kids were growing up with their own activities. Might get back to those activities now that the kids are grown.

And as studies have shown, standing while working has additional long term health benefits.
Gotcha. Just didn't know your situation.

No worries. I just need to get off my arse. Too many hours sitting. Of course, I may hate the standing desk, but I have a couple of friends who are at jobs where the employer provides them with an adjustable desk and they love it. They now stand much more than they sit which seems to be the consensus of those here who have a standing desk.