Anyone Deal with Lifetel Web or

I don't think myinsurebiz has actually written the product, though. He responded very graciously, but I was seeking someone's input who has actually put cases in there recently and could possibly tell me positives about underwriting, negatives, how things were handled at issue, good or bad, anything possibly about commissions, were they quick, slow, any complications, etc. If anyone has this kind of insight on Ameritas, that's the information I was really hoping to gather.

Answered in your other thread . . .
Answered in your other thread . . .

"All mine were super healthy clients - no meds or conditions. App was long. Underwriting was about a week and another 2 or 3 days to issue. Commissions are paid on Friday for anything issued and paid by the prior Wednesday.

Make sure you check all the boxes - especially the payment with app and the State where signed, because they won't tell you additional requirements are needed until you call 12 different phone #'s asking why the policy is still pending.

I learned the hard way. But - I've hooked up with 2 other Carriers now that have better rates and an easier E-app process."

Saw it, 'biz. Thank you! Gees, I want to write them (Ameritas), but I just don't want any issues. New product to try and get used to, but then there's also the very common factor of just learning a new carrier and their practices in general. Out of curiosity, who are the other "2 carriers" you say you like better?
Is anyone selling for LifeTelInsure right now? Or maybe in the past? I could go back through the 48 pages...but like to know if you are selling for them what kind of success you've had...if any. I'm starting to see their ads in CL again.
I sell with them, obviously. I've been with them about a year now (I'm a few places in the thread). Have had success and is the reason I'm still with them. What do you want to know?
I sell with them, obviously. I've been with them about a year now (I'm a few places in the thread). Have had success and is the reason I'm still with them. What do you want to know?
Thx for the reply. I replied to one of the CL ads. I was sent some info. The first PDF's stated someone reported them to the BBB and that the problem was resolved. So I did a little Google appears that there have been more that one issue. Some taken care of...some not. I can't find a whole lot of positive feedback on this company and the fact there is no office to call and talk to someone (other than the numbers they give out in the pdf'd and email) kinda makes the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up!
? They have an office and an office number to call. I call them a few times a week still to check in and get stuff. They're in Ontario. Which of the guys are you talking with... Elly, Jim, Ron or Victor?
I haven't talked to anyone yet. According to the email Elly sent it. But then's probably the standard email template that gets sent out to everyone that replies to the ad. I have been reading through this some good some bad things.
Yeah, could be said of any group, I'm sure. I've done well with them, though. Definitely, there are some things you have to do just a certain way, but they do have a refined system. You just have to actually follow it, as I know has been said by others in this thread. Worked for me is all I can say :idea:
Yeah, could be said of any group, I'm sure. I've done well with them, though. Definitely, there are some things you have to do just a certain way, but they do have a refined system. You just have to actually follow it, as I know has been said by others in this thread. Worked for me is all I can say :idea:
Ok...Thx Snapdragon422 for the info.
Has anyone heard from Elly Weatherby from LifeTel in the last 4 or 5 days? I am a new agent that recently signed up with his company. I've had one or two training sessions with him with no problem. Everything went smoothly. But he has not shown up for my last 2 scheduled phone appointments and I can't seem to reach him, either by email, text or phone. Something seems flaky here. I need to get to work, but can't until I am trained on the LifeTel way of doing business. Is LifeTel a scam or what?