Anyone familiar with Aetna's Final Expense Products?

Not paying under 60 hurts their business, big time.

Newby you got your whole clan going to Aruba?
In the past all you had to do to qualify was fog a mirror. That's probably what killed them.
I still don't understand the point of a phone interview if it doesn't render a decision United Home life is guilty of that as well. Another example of a field to company disconnect.
I don't ever remember having a problem with the PHI with Aetna. I always had good luck with them in that respect. The main problem I had with them was due to the clientele they would approve. Overweight extremely large people with major health issues. Unfortunately I have found that those type of buyers also have a higher rescission rate as well.
Not paying under 60 hurts their business, big time.

Newby you got your whole clan going to Aruba?

I haven't seen the final Talley yet. But I would expect between 30 to 40 FexContracting agents plus spouses will make the Aruba trip. It's been a very good year. Alvin just told me we have the highest number of agents on target for Trinity's European cruise too. And we finally took the #1 spot with Oxford this year. But no trips with that one.

I hate to see 2018 coming to an end.
Glad to hear it was a good year. I will there again and am looking forward to seeing you guys. I hope there is another boat ride planned for this year. That was tons of fun.
Glad to hear it was a good year. I will there again and am looking forward to seeing you guys. I hope there is another boat ride planned for this year. That was tons of fun.

We need to upgrade the boat this time. Two years ago it was fantastic. The one you went with us on was...a bit of a rough ride for me. Still fun.
rough ride? they dropped us off in the dark, couldn't see a thing and could barely walk. I had to carry my girlfriend to the room. other than that it was quite easy!