Anyone Familiar with the Old Goldenrule Legacy Contract?

Actually, I think my uncle may know something about this. I'll check with him and post the results back here later.

Thanks. I'm just trying to get someone to explain how this contract worked with commissions. I have a vector that was placed on me by AHCP for advanced business I did with Goldenrule. The people at AHCP indicated that this was the "old" contract and that they have updated it because of issues they had with this contract with agents.
They are saying I owe around $1600 that is a debit balance, but all business that I wrote stayed on the books for at least 2 yrs. I did have 3 cancellations in the first year I did business with AHCP, but those policies/chargebacks were immediately paid off with new business. So my position is that all my business stayed on the books and so I can't figure out why I owe money. Doesn't make sense unless I'm missing something that is in this contract.