Anyone Heard of High Def Nation Health Insurance?

They have conference calls nightly

567-314-6459 - PIN 932584#
Hello I'm back!
Yes someone enlightened me about your dumb post so popped on to report it. But unable to write more than that.
I am leaving again for the evening but I"ll be back.
AWIS is only one part of the equation.
I have been assured that this is NOT DISCOUNT SERVICES.
It is full insurance.
If and when I learn otherwise, I'll report it. I am trying to find out the coverage.
Unlike some of you, I don't want to state the facts until I know them for sure. Not second guess and misconstrue.
I hope you made the conference call then be "man" enough to really listen and give an unbiased opinion.
Hello I'm back!
Yes someone enlightened me about your dumb post so popped on to report it. But unable to write more than that.
I am leaving again for the evening but I"ll be back.
AWIS is only one part of the equation.
I have been assured that this is NOT DISCOUNT SERVICES.
It is full insurance.
If and when I learn otherwise, I'll report it. I am trying to find out the coverage.
Unlike some of you, I don't want to state the facts until I know them for sure. Not second guess and misconstrue.
I hope you made the conference call then be "man" enough to really listen and give an unbiased opinion.

Sue lets be transparent here if you are going to make these claims.
Exactly who was it that assured you that this was FULL Insurance? You have just stated this as fact so please enlighten us and give us their name and authority to say it as a principle of the company High Def Nation. If you dont give us this information then you are causing us to "second guess and misconstrue"

I was on the conference call tonight, and I believe I really listened. However the info they gave was still incomplete as far as transparency and full disclosure. I am giving you my unbiased opinion so according to your statement I guess that makes me "man enough"
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Sue, you also stated"I am trying to find out the coverage. "

I posted the exact coverage you will receive from their own website a couple of pages back. ( post # 130 )You dont have to wonder anymore. It is there for you to see.
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RE: HighDefNation MLM Healthcare Prelaunch Capitalizing on Healthcare Mega Trend Looking... - highdefnation,healthcare reform act,dental hmo

A Couple of Observations:

1. The banner ad on HDN representative's website exclaims, "Ask Me About Our Healthcare Solutions Today!". A very strange suggestion, since none of the reps know anything yet.

2. A Google search on HiDefNation (looking back 30 days)does not turn up the usual garbage that you see when an MLM is in pre-launch. Usually you see tons of information about how slimy the owners are, and other skeleton-in-the-closet type of information from people who have had dealings with them (the owners and their prior ventures) previously.

A couple of Guesses:

1. While this may be "health insurance" in the legal sense, it's likely not MAJOR MEDICAL health insurance. It's Defined Benefit Indemnity health insurance.

2. As someone pointed out earlier in the thread, this type of coverage (as the HiDefNation Hawaii group's online adverstisment proclaims) keeps you free from Obamacare. But in doing so, exposes the insured to ObamaCare's annually increasing Penalty-Tax, starting in 2014.

Further Thoughts...

If this were Major Medical, it would require that the sellers be licensed agents and could only be sold in the state that the seller is licensed in. Plus, there would be monthly residuals from health insurance premiums, unless everyone earns FREE coverage, LOL. Maybe it was overlooked, but I see no mention.


Indeminity health insurance will no longer be suitable for anyone as a replacement for Major Medical in 2014, going forward. Major Medical will be sold through a State Exchange and people of moderate income will receive a subsidy to help them pay for it. Would these people opt for a Limited Benefit Indemnity health plan, complete with the penalty-tax levied by Obamacare? I think not. Most of the "under-65" population who do not have health insurance at work fall into this catagory. Will higher income earners subject their assets to liquidation due to expensive medical bills by owning a limited-benefit health plan? I think not. How about those who earn less than $25,000 a year? It's Obama's expanded Medicaid for them.

During the 1990's, I had a good and profitable time recruiting people and signing up long-distance phone customers for Excel Communications. Just like the structure of insurance sales, earning overrides and bonuses in MLM can be rewarding.. but only if the product/service is good for the consumer. Unfortunately, the HiDefNation product will, in my opinion, end up financially hurting and even devastating a lot of American individuals and families. Due to oversights (both innocent and intentional) made by thousands of HiDefNation representatives, many many families will feel that they're purchasing major medical health insurance, with the ability to earn free major medical. When the heart attack, cancer and other catastrophic claims start coming in, HiDefNation will be promptly shut down state-by-state. Unfortunately, the carnage of suffering left in its wake will horrific.

I've seen MLM's try to add limited-benefit indemnity plans to their portfolio of offerings. Never lasts long. Complaints, Attorney General intercessions, physicians not granting PPO discounts, and other problems, cause quick terminations.

2. A Google search on HiDefNation (looking back 30 days)does not turn up the usual garbage that you see when an MLM is in pre-launch. Usually you see tons of information about how slimy the owners are, and other skeleton-in-the-closet type of information from people who have had dealings with them (the owners and their prior ventures) previously.


Take a closer look. When you google their name, they are trying to rank for words like "scam" "the truth about" and "complaints." They're all just advertisements but in typical MLM fashion, if they can rank positively for the "scam" and "complaints" keywords now before launch, then real complaints might be buried.