Anyone Heard of High Def Nation Health Insurance?

Re: Anyone Heard of High Defnation?

MLM that is allowing us to sell health insurance.

Show me where your video calls it health insurance. You avoided this question last time.

There's a whole training session just to deal with health insurance agents! lolol Apparently they expect this reaction from some of you.

Imagine that. A "training session" to deal with agents. How have they trained you to discuss the actual benefits of the plan? Because as of today you haven't disclosed ANY benefits. Oh that's right, it's pre-launch.

Reason and logic are lost on you.
Re: Anyone Heard of High Defnation?

Did you see the video? It states it clearly. I'm not going to show it here - that would be advertising wouldn't it?

And when it's launched I can show the benefits. Or if I see them sooner, I'll let you know if it's what they say it is.
I know it's exciting and I am impatient to learn more about it, too. And I'll disclose it as soon as I see it.
Re: Anyone Heard of High Defnation?

Did you see the video? It states it clearly. I'm not going to show it here - that would be advertising wouldn't it?

The video in your signature line DOES NOT call it health insurance.
Hey everyone - I will be away from my desk for a day or so but if anyone ever wants to reach me privately they can write to me! Hopefully, I'll have more to post soon.
[email protected]
Sue must not have received the e-mail from the company warning people not to promote this without getting her claims pre-approved by the "company" High Def.

I viewed a youtube video with a woman that claimed that because of what Obama had done with the Affordable HealthCare Act that now this plan, put together by High Def nation through AWIS, was now in compliance in ALL 50 states with the AHCA.

What a joke. I called AWIS and told them what she and many others were saying about their company. I said "are your plans health Insurance?" She said no. (It states this right on their website) I asked if they were compliant with the AHCA? She said no. I sent her a link to the video.

About two hours later High Def sent out this e-mail to all of their pre-launch people. Here it is. (note, now they dont even call it Insurance)

Dear Highdef Nation Representatives,

We are all so excited about the tremendous success of the Pre-Launch of Highdef Nation. There are thousands of people that have already registered into the program, and it is just amazing the tremendous job that you are all doing in getting the word out about this program.

As you have heard, our program will distribute Association Health and Dental services. The healthcare field is a highly regulated and all publications of any sort related to this program, including but not limited to videos, blogs, ads, flyers, brochures, Twitter, Facebook, etc., must be approved by our Quality Assurance and Compliance Department prior to publication. If you are currently circulating any sort of publication as stated in this communication, it is of the utmost importance that you remove them from public view until such time that you submit and receive approval from our QA & Compliance Department.

We understand that because this program is in Pre-Launch stage, the representatives in the field have not received guidelines for publications, so we are using this medium to make you aware of these guidelines, and also to make you aware that adherence to these guidelines is one of the mandates of our program. Willful violation of these guidelines could cause you to be dismissed from the program. Pass this communication to your teams so that everyone is aware of it to avoid any concerns on this matter.

We are all looking forward to a successful launch of the program, and we are excited about the great reception it has received. We are happy to be working with all of you and making this program a huge success.


Highdef Nation

Maybe Sue will now see the light?
Why would they launch a program like this at this time is beyond me. The plans won't meet any CA or ACA QHP standard and would subject the member to penalty for not obtaining an approved QHP. Must be for short term gain $$$$ for the reps because once people realize that the plan subjects them to a penalty they will have to dump it and buy a QHP.

In CA, we area going full, reform with or without Obamacare so it makes no long term sense out here.
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It's a little better than Ameriplan I guess.

I will do what Sue didnt or couldnt.
Here are the benefits from their own website (AWIS)

go to
click on "view featured plans" then enter your state and you can see the different plans they have and benefits.

Note: High Def Nation is a marketing/MLM company that you must enter for $199 in order to gain access to the AWIS health benefit and its own multi-level compensation plan.

So basically High Def Nation (who are they, where are they located, who runs the company?) will pay you $50 commission for each person you recruit direct and then also pay you bonuses based on the number in your downline and their participation.