Anyone Use for P&C?

I was a captive with access to MetGA, and now I'm an independent with access to the MetGA. Yes, they have a different program that pays more to independent agents. I don't use them though because I have either direct access to the carriers I need or access through a different GA that pays more.

The only advantage to MetGA is if you use them the way the other poster (I think it was jkearns) said they were using them by having them handle his out of state business so that he doesn't have to be involved in the transaction. Or if it was business you didn't know anything about, or just didn't want to handle you can hand it off to them.

They're good people to deal with, I worked with them for a long time. It just comes down to the dollars and cents.

Yeah i mean in that model you do better taking a crappy split and letting them do the heavy lifting vs generating leads and having someone pay you once for the lead.