Are Brokers History?

The P&C side will be flooded with ex-health agents fleeing this business. If you must diversify, pick something your neighbor isn't also planning to do.
We all have a tendency to criticize all in one shops. But the sale of a so called "overpriced" life plan has been the bread and butter of many career shops for decades. They sell based on name recognition and comfort level rather than price.
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Remember: The only people who fear competition are those who cant compete.
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Transferring to PC is not as easy as it sounds.

Sure you can take the test pretty quickly. But then the EO is astronomical, then as a newbie you have to go with a wholesaler and pay them some sort of can plan on being out of pocket $4-$5k before you even get started.
Right, Mark, as long as the boat is not the Titanic!

Don't underestimate these carriers ... them ain't stupid.
Their gonna hurt for a bit; like the rest of us. They'll comply with MLR and scale back commissions and staff ... Watch how it gets progressively more difficult for people to get new coverage?
They'll hang onto their current clients and ride out the storm as the public outcry intensifies between now and 2012.
Mark my words. Break out the popcorn lads, showtime's a come'n.