Assurity Questions

Assurity has several different sets of schedules. We're on the "IS" levels. I know there are also "JM" levels out there. I think there are more than that. Here is our IS-Level 60 that is now street level if you want to take a look....

Thanks Todd. Looks like my schedule is a good one then. I really like the year 2 - 4 on the Simple Whole Life . . . Term has a little renewal for 10 years - not great - but could add up.
I'm going to be using Assurity and Sagicor alot . . . Mix in some MoM and Forsters.

I need a Cheat Sheet for Term . . .
Man - I'm to busy Selling Term and Investing The Difference . . .

I may have to go get my Series 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 license soon ;)

Wall Street, here you come!!! :yes:

That was an excellent Movie. Both of them with Douglas . . .

I was joking - too old for all that studying and testing.

But - the "Invest The Difference" may be easier than I thought with a ROP rider.