Avoid Vimo


1000 Post Club
I'm most of you are aware of this type of garbage, but this is a Google ad I noticed while checking my Gmail account this morning:

Blue Cross Blue Shield - ww..Vimo..com - Health insurance plans as low as $4/day

That's going to be a quality lead there... :bump:
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$4/day= $120-$124/ month. February-you get a discount $112, leap year=$116. Can I get that premium calculation based on February? SOLD
I took 3 apps today in that range.

$89, $106 and $148.

Easy stuff.

2 of the 3 issued already (H1).

Certainly can't make a living on that unless you do a lot. That's $800 (over 12 months) I wouldn't have had otherwise.

Not my bread & butter but when they are ready to buy today, go for it and move on.
A proponent of the one call close, are we?

You know me better than that.

All were leads generated in the last 3 - 10 days. I had called a few times but never got thru . . . until today.

They had my proposal and all 3 had opened it. FWIW, I called when 2 of the 3 were opened and got voice mail. The 3rd was opened at 2 AM and I don't call while I am asleep.

Just got lucky. Happened to catch all 3 today. All had been overwhelmed by calls from phone mills pushing something they couldn't afford as well as things that are not insurance.

My pitch was simple.

"Tell me what you want your plan to do".

Then I listened and took notes.

My next question "sealed the deal".

"I don't want to scare you by showing plans you can't afford. Tell me the least you expect to pay and still get all these benefits."

They told me.

I said we have X number of plans that fit your request and are less than your figure.

They bought.

These folks are not my typical client and they may not last but so what? At least I will get paid something for my time.
Good stuff Bob. $120 monthly premiums will kill an ROI fast though... that's why it's important (especially for new agents) to use multiple lead sources..

If I'm buying Vimo leads and I'm closing 1 out of 15 (which is probably pretty good considering the quality), I'm writing a case at $120/mo, and I'm making $288/year at a 20% contract.

If I spent $7/lead (I know you get lower, but many new agents don't), I've spent $105 to make $288 that may not stay on the books. Hopefully I'm not on a 15% starting contract with Aetna or GR either...

It's no wonder so many agents bust out of this business...
Bob, because I know you likely qualified much more than is written below and you also know that people buy on value, not price, I don't mean any offense to you with this comment, but for someone reading this who wants to attempt it, this is an example of selling on price, and selling yourself short. And many agents not as savvy as you are, will do this as a habit and settle for lower commissions.

Because: What if they (the client) say they want it all for $80 (a gourmet meal at a happy meal price) which many do, and now you can't match the benefits they request to their price?

Example: I want the new Escalade hybrid, loaded for $250 per month. Now what do you do?!?!?!

I say this:

"I'll start at the best plan available and if the price knocks you off of your seat we can go down from here, as long as you don't mind possibly sacrificing some of what you wanted."

This puts them into the position to decide, and then they make a buying decision (verbally or in their head), and it works because people buy what they want, especially when you take it away.


"I don't want to scare you by showing plans you can't afford. Tell me the least you expect to pay and still get all these benefits."
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Josh, as I indicated, this is not my usual case. But when one drops in my lap I am not going to run them off.

My ROI is 7+ and average commission over $650 so these are bringing down my average.

No Rob, I didn't do my usual qualifying (or even selling here). This was order taking.

These folks were looking to buy and didn't want my usual consult. Despite what I normally post about how I sell, these dropped in my lap and I grabbed them and moved on.

Folks like this make up a very small percentage of my block. I usually get maybe 20 or so like this every year. Most gravitate to my BX site and buy without ever talking to me. I don't complain about freebies.

As I said. These were order taking. Not something I would suggest if you want to stay in business for any length of time.