Anyone Heard About Vimo?

I asked them about that (leads going to call center first) and they denied it. Of course, I didn't totally accept that.

I would love for someone to call them and ask them point blank if they do that. It should be easy to verify.
My rep with BlueCross in TN deals with the call center in GA that calls the leads. I can tell you out of a batch of 60 leads I was never the first to contact, that's only ever happened for me with 2 vendors.

One case they were going to vimo's call center first. The people always told me they had "just gotten off the phone with an agent" or didn't answer.

ASAP made the mistake of sending the leads too quickly into the shared system, and some of the people were still on the phone with the hot transfer agent that had already been sold the lead and I asked them point blank what had happened and they told me. I guess most agents don't call the shared leads in less than 1 second so they don't discover what is happening.
I posted a rip on these knuckle heads in here before. I have used at least 6 different lead vendors out there and I had it with these guys after I called them out on their bs. I was getting leads that were days old sold to me as "instant". The rep I was working with was a jerk so I told them to pound sand and have not used since. They would run in cycles for me as far as results. For a month they would be decent then for 6 weeks nothing but trash. I am 95% all referral based now so not having to deal with this nearly as much anymore.