Also, even if you do use bacon grease, brownies are not keto. And @goillini52 will no doubt tell you LD, that you should just smoke your dope and not eat it.
Not anymore. Since it's legal, I only smoke when I run out of the edibles.

Some of the edibles aren't Keto, like milk chocolate. Right now I'm using green tea mints that have no carbs or sugar and taste good. I only got these because it's about all they had left, but I might get them from now on.

Edibles are the way to go...especially if you have Stage 4 COPD. No rollercoaster highs, no smell, no hassle. Just a nice steady buzz all day. Took a week to find the right amount. 20 mg's a day. :jiggy:
On the menu tonight is a USDA
Prime Rib: Six pounds, two ribs.
There will be pictures.

Gone in the oven at 3 PM Eastern. Seasoned with salt, pepper, herbes de provence, and then coated with tarragon butter. Dinner will be served at 5:45 PM Eastern. If you're late, no admittance, no rain checks.

Buttered.JPG Buttered 2.JPG
I took the first pic right after it came out of the oven. I then forgot to take a post cut pi until after we finished dinner. The other pic is what remains of the roast. This was an end piece and a little more done than I'd have liked, but the rest of the roast was wonderfully pink with the texture and juiciness of rare.

Reduced the au jus just a bit. The tarragon butter rub lends a hint of Bearnaise to the meat without the extra work of actually making Bearnaise sauce lol.

I cook it according to a method I learned from Chef John of Food Wishes. Leave the roast out at room temperature for at least 6 hours.

Heat oven to 500* F, and then put roast in hot oven. Multiply roast weight time 5 minutes and this will tell you exactly when to turn off the oven (in this case it was exactly 30 minutes). Keep the oven closed for two hours, remove, slice and serve. He has a video on it somewhere on youtube and if I find the link I will post here.

A good day.

roasted.JPG Plated.JPG