No... It is either meat or it is not.. There ain't no substitute.

Had the first vaccine... No problems .. Waiting for time for the second shot.

Keep us updated. If you start growing hair on your tongue, you balls fall off, or you start having memory problems, we want to know. I heard the second shot can cause infertility. :shocked:

Sorry to have to break the disturbing news about the potential attack on all things Bacon; LINE CROSSED: Biden plans to tax our bacon and Americans have thoughts

My wife got the Moderna and the second shot gave her some pretty strong flu like symptoms. Know several people that had that problem with the Moderna.
Everyone I know who has been vaccinated got Moderna.

The older people had little if any reaction, whereas younger (40s, please tell me that's still young) all had 12-24 hours of chills/body aches that resolved quickly.

Getting my second next month.