The catch, is it isnt something you want to do long term.

Dr Bernstein, a leading diabetes specialist would disagree vehemently.

And the biggest thing I discovered was meat is much healthier than I had known and veggies are less healthy than I thought

Many folks are finding that they are healing all kinds of long term chronic conditions by going meat only.

Pluss Seafood, I try and have some clams or muscles or oysters once a week because loaded with vitamins

lots of shrimp recipees

Plenty of fish to eat

Very wise choices.
This one is for monkey, wherever he is ...

One thing I always liked was Shake n Bake chicken. My mom made it once a week when I was growing up and that was always one of my favorites. When I hit the low carb highway, I had to give it up.

Well, after many "keto" type attempts, I have come very, very close to hacking a low carb version of Shake n Bake using almond flour and parmesan cheese.

My son, who loves Shake n Bake but can't eat it because he has celiac disease even asked if I was making Shake n Bake when it was in the oven. And then he looked in the oven and said "You are making Shake n Bake! I wish I could have some." He was so happy when I told him it was a gluten free version.

Very close in taste, very, very close.

Small low carb victory.
Anyone out there hitting the gym regularly? Did a leg day this past Saturday which I haven't done for a few months. Stopped by Penara to do some app work and when I got up to leave, leg day came screaming back like a banshee.

I'm such and old fart. :arghh:
On average I work out 1-3 times a day. I dirtbiked for a few hours this morning, now I'm going to do core workouts, then break with some stretches, then do band exercises.

While you are doing this, I'm going to spend the next several hours doing stretches on my bed after my lovely wife rubs some of this on the back of my glutes. :yes:

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