Bad Agent Advice Re: ACA

Ok guys & gals. I need your help.

I have a prospect that is hesitant to buy insurance from me because she was told by a BCBS FL agent that IF she buys insurance today, she will NOT be able to get on to Obamacare and have her pre-existing conditions covered.

She is currently 45 days without insurance, and doesn't want to get insured if that agent is correct. I told her that agent provided bad advice/guidance, and O'care will cover her pre-ex starting Jan 1st.

Who is correct? Me or the BCBS agent?

YOU are correct, Yagents. However, unless she is willing to start making premium payments right now, this prospect will use every excuse in the book to avoid buying until she has to. And, since ObamaCare may still be costly for the lady, she may not even purchase a plan in 2014. Don't spend too much time on this one. Show her the proof and then move on to the next oyster.
ask her what if she needs medical attention tomorrow.

Then an STM won't do her much good, will it?

Personally, I think an agent that suggests STM can find themselves in a pickle if something comes up that is considered pre-ex. With a 5 yr look back on every plan I have seen there is a lot of wiggle room for a carrier to deny or delay a claim.

At least a true major med has more in depth underwriting and if someone lied coverage is rescinded but not retroactively.

With STM not only can they rescind coverage but deny the claim.

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