Be Careful of the Word "Exchange" for Your Website

If you already have a site with that domain, I'd go with forgiveness is better than permission. Worst a DOI can say is take it down.

I agree. The best thing to do is to register all of your "trade names" with every doi you do business in. That way you can CYA...
Broken link....I thought they were moving to the term marketplace.

Sorry. It was a link to the US Patent and trademark office. You can look up who has registered "insurance exchange" or "health exchange"

A registered trademark is private property so even if the government decided to exercise eminent domain, they would have to compensate these folks. That is if we still believe in private property.
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Sorry. It was a link to the US Patent and trademark office. You can look up who has registered "insurance exchange" or "health exchange"

A registered trademark is private property so even if the government decided to exercise eminent domain, they would have to compensate these folks. That is if we still believe in private property.
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In the mean time, the DIO deems it a violation, you fight it, lose, get your license suspended or revoked, you sue and 5 years later you win and are back in business. Yeah....

Remember, the DOI needs no legal basis. All they need to say is it's an ethical violation - leading consumers to believe that your site is the state exchange. You won't win an ethics battle.