Be Careful of the Word "Exchange" for Your Website

One of our clients called the California DOI and was assured that the word "exchange" in the URL was permitted, as long as it wasn't used along with "insurance" or "Covered California".
So far, no issues with that one here that we know of.

In what instance would an INSURANCE agent want to use the word exchange without using the word insurance?
By that description. why not use your city or county so it looks like for example
The DOI operates based on complaints. They don't have to time to run around the internet looking at agent websites.

If someone has an issue with your site and was led to believe it was the state exchange then files a complaint, that's when your issue is going to start.

I would imagine it would depend on just how much work you put into actually making consumers believe it's the state exchange. As a bit of advice, I think a disclaimer would be a nice CYA tool.
Under CMS control, expect marketing rules to eventually be similar to MA plans.

All it took was a small percentage of seniors and an over-active media to write stories about "how this guy was screwed" and "didn't know what they bought."

Similar to agents whose goal is to create sites that lead consumers to believe it's the state exchange site, a well placed complaint and the media will run a story - CMS will then react.

I can tell you that I've seen quite a few sites that where agents have gone through a great deal of effort to lead customers to believe it's the exchange. I don't expect those to last more than a few weeks after enrollment begins.

Look for this story:

"Action 11 news investigates. A local man thought he was signing up for a state exchange plan with a subsidy. But come to find...."
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