Thanks. I did ask a Medicare Rep who said that I could but I know she is just a Rep and may not know all the rules. I have been on cms site but couldn't find it. Ill shoot them an email. Thanks for the info. I'm sure you're right. This is why I was hesitant because I'm not 100% sure.
Study CMS's rules and regs. I think you are prohibited from doing just about all of the above.
Hospitals are not going to accept any kind of drug card for medicine given in the hospital. If the person is on Medicare and in the hospital as an inpatient all drug costs are covered.
If they are not admitted as an inpatient, and given meds while in the hospital as an outpatient, the patient is billed by the hospital for the drugs. (It is possible for them to spend several days "in the hospital" and still be an outpatient.) Drugs procured from the hospital pharmacy are not eligible for a drug program. They are pretty much the responsibility of the patient if the patient is classified as an "outpatient".
Before you get too involved in your desire to sell PDP Plans I suggest that you look at the commission you will make in relationship to the amount of time you will spend. You may find that it isn't all that cost effective for you.