Blog site recommendation

Your domain extension does not matter when using plugins. You can use .net, .info, .biz, .whatever

PM me if you have a problem specific to WordPress and I'll help you.
The hosted version is continually updated by WordPress. If you host WordPress yourself, you'll need to update it yourself or use a hosting service that will do it for you with a few mouse clicks.
to help with some of the confusion here
you can have a wordpress blog hosted on your own domain or hosted on
it is not generally a good idea to host a business blog on there are too many limitations on the ways to customize or monetize the blog.

adding adsense ads to an insurance blog is like trying to make money as a host to the neighbor kids lemonade stand.

most web hosts provide c-panel fantastico which will allow you to install and update your wordpress code onto your domain incredibly easily. you dont need anyone to do it for you. 3 clicks you're done.

one important tip to setup and install wordpress on your domain.
if you already have an existing website, (home page,content, etc) make sure to create a folder to install the blog onto and do not let fantastico install it on the root domain.
for example
the install will ask you what folder to install on so just type "blog" this will proceed to create a separate part of your site that exists independently as your blog.
you can create link to it from your homepage and its existence wont interfere with anything previously created on your site
so if someone types in your site address like bobsinsurance dot com, they will still find you.
the blog will be reachable at bobsinsurance dot com/blog.
if you install into the root folder, the wordpress content management script will try and organize all of your content pages ( like your contact us, give me a quote,etc )and generally drive you nuts and possibly ruin any backlinks you have circulating out on the web.

an effective blog should be personal, interesting, engaging and especially optimized.
the best success will come from planning your posts to include relavent key search terms that your customers use to find your services, especially in the title and the tags. The posts have to be readable and entertaining enough for someone to want to come back, so stuffing "buy insurance, shop insurance and compare insurance" 75 times each into a 650 word post wont impress your customers or the search engines.

there are content creators that will write your blogposts , keyword optimized, for less than 15$ a post. some even lots cheaper, but english is their second language.

basically blogging is easy
it will generate goodwill, networking and leads, and eventually cashflow if you stick with a well optimized plan.
adding small video content to explain key points is also a great technique. keep home videos under 5 minutes, interesting, host em on you tube, and embed them into your posts. some of the complicated explanations about solvency, liability are more easily inderstood if they are spoken to someone rather than just left there to be read. talk like you're talkin to a buddy.
person to person.
professionalism is nice so dont cuss, but it dont gotta be perfect to get your point across.
best to just do it.
a blog allows you to put a face on a fairly sterile and faceless topic.
make it about people
not policies, variables and percentages
and you will develop rapport.
more human, more rapport. more rapport more sales and more money.

you can do it
thanks and take care
Bryan Bliss
Wow - lots of details there! Thanks - they're helpful. is a program you have to download, is an online-based program that is much easier to use (exactly like Blogger). You do all your posting and editing online and you can access it from any computer, like email. The version is much better but you definatley should ask your web designer to help you with it or handle it for you.