Business ETouch


New Member
Is there any one that can comment on a CRM I ran across for the first time "Business ETouch?" Listed all options and then some for $20 a month. 2 good 2 b?
Is there any one that can comment on a CRM I ran across for the first time "Business ETouch?" Listed all options and then some for $20 a month. 2 good 2 b?

Nice looking CRM. I looked at it. I can not remember what the negatives were, But I think one was that you could not scan to it.
I have been using this system for a few months (over 6) and it has many things that are a good idea but they seem to be having technical glitches that are not getting resolved... I am starting to rethink my choice with this. if it all worked like it should this would be a great value.