Buy Obamacare All Year Long

Why is it that I'm able to run a Major Medical Metal Plan quote with and request a 5/15/2014 effective date? Maybe this Insurance Goddess has found something that (naturally) the government and insurers wouldn't want anybody to least not until after March 31st.

Your writing with Assurant Health? Here in MI they are so high its rediculous, they aren't in the same spectrum and thats saying something cuz the premiums for even the cheapest carriers are rediculous.
An MGA contacted our GA today to inform him that 2 major carriers are planning on selling ACA-metal plans (off-exchange) in Illinois starting with a July 1st effective date. State of Illinois DOI approval is pending.

What I don't know is if the state is approving the plan design, or, granting the authority to sell off-exchange outside of open enrollment, or both. Does a health insurer need to have a state's blessing in order to sell off-exchange? It's never been needed before..but then again, it is 2014.

I'd love to see these insurer's strategy sheets that list the PROS / CONS of going this route, and why they feel the PROS outweigh the CONS.
Look to the co-ops in the state to b the ones. They are playing with taxpayers money, have nothing to lose, and need members to survive. Meritus in az had to get hhs and doi approval, a co-op who garnered low enrollment numbers, and over 100m in funded dollars


Land of Lincoln and ???
"Does a health insurer need to have a state's blessing in order to sell off-exchange? "

Is it an insurance product? You know the answer. Everything still has to be approved for sale by the OIC.