Calling Small Business' Directly

Most public libraries will have a database that you can use to search and target businesses. You can do a radius, and pretty much use any filter you want - for example, number of employees, annual gross sales, etc. You can get the owners's name and often how long the business has existed, and phone numbers. There's a free cold calling list.

As far as thinking about whether or not cold calling bothers the business owner - who cares? If you're not on the DNC list, or even if you get solicitations at home for political donations or legal cold calls, do you really have an opinion about the person who called you longer than about the 30 seconds you're on the phone with them? In fact, if they're any good, you may even have a positive opinion of them, there are so many total idiots doing cold calling.

I think it's Edward Jones that made this coin that said "SW SW SW" (some will, some won't, so what?)

Just my $0.02, I'm no expert like many of these folks, just another poor schmuck paying my dues by smilin' and dialin'.
I have done both Stuart. I would say both work about the same but keep a few things in mind. Some commercial accounts will generate more or less premium depending on the type of work. For example a dentists office with work comp= very small premium. An electrician with work comp= larger premium. ( This of course does not take into account Proffesional liability for the dentist but I'm speaking more about BOP related accounts. ) Put those same two companies with health insurance given the same number of employees and you generate pretty close numbers assuming same age brackets, health conditions etc...Most companies do consider SIC Codes with Health but you get my meaning. If you are going to call for commercial you might want to consider target industries. That may not make as much of a difference in health insurance- generally speaking of course haha
But to answer the question-yes it can be just as successful. Just read what Al had to say, Great Advice of the art of cold calling!