Captive vs Independent...

"Education of products, I really don't see how being captive helps out"

It does. Not that someone should stay captive forever...but the training at many companies is excellent.

IMHO it isn't no harder to learn a few products at home or at a home office of say NYL. I don't see that being a major concern, as long as the independent understands when new that limiting their offerings to what they know is positive not a negative. It isn't like NYL is going to send out new agents out searching for 412i prospects.
There is one other aspect to starting out as an independent that I have never seen discussed. It is a very lonely existence.

There aren't others around who are doing what you are to bounce ideas off of or share successes and failures with. It is also much more difficult to get answers to questions.

If a new agent is having a bad month there really isn't anyone around to help him/her get through it and turn things around.

Starting out can be difficult enough being captive, let alone being totally on your own. Some handle it very well, others fail miserably who might of otherwise been top producers.

Just food for thought, nothing more.
I can second that last comment. I started out in an office of five reps, but they were all 20+ year veterans and busy with their own business. No one was making cold calls like myself and it felt like I was completely failing in the business. They had it made, but they put in the sweat equity years ago that I never got a chance to see. I had a longer learning curve and it took some extra time to start making money as a result, but I don't have any regrets.
There is one other aspect to starting out as an independent that I have never seen discussed. It is a very lonely existence.

There aren't others around who are doing what you are to bounce ideas off of or share successes and failures with. It is also much more difficult to get answers to questions.

If a new agent is having a bad month there really isn't anyone around to help him/her get through it and turn things around.

Starting out can be difficult enough being captive, let alone being totally on your own. Some handle it very well, others fail miserably who might of otherwise been top producers.

Just food for thought, nothing more.

Great topic Frank. Personally, I know that this forum helps me go the course. Feel like crap from 9-10, 11 o'clock comes around I got a deal, 4 leads and I'm up again. Gotta love the cycle. Everybody should have at least one person they can talk in the same field to discuss things.
I would agree that capitive is a good way to get training and education, but as time goes on if you do get tired of working for somebody else, independent probably is a better way to go.

Been both, at times I miss my capitive days, but most of the time I don't. I am the type of personality that doesn't like a boss, even a nice one. My clients are my bosses of sort, but only when it comes to their personal situation.

So it's going to depend on your personality and what you want long term.
One can not go captive with a NYL or Guardian and believe what is now so common in many forums and many independents, here or elsewhere, that basically state that 20-30 year term is correct. That other ideas such as WL or UL's and/or sell short term "Term Policies" then "Convert" is basically wrong, which is the mindset of many agents today. Yet the same people, will advise one to go captive with NYL or Guardian? Just doesn't make sense! If you want to go captive then one should believe in the Company and their ideas. I would suggest that should be the key factor, not training or emotional support, such as being lonely. Go with NYL or Guardian and espouse the idea of Term for all and see how lonely, lonely can be!
Learn captive, make money independent.

I have NEVER been independent. I have been captive however and looking to make the transition here shortly. I was captive for over 2 1/2 years now and I know enough to do well on my own I feel. I hope your comment rings true for me because I feel the reason I'm leaving is for more dinero. Captive contracts are not as great to begin with and dwindle down even more the longer you are captive.