Career Life Expectancy of an FE Agent

The average for brand new agents in the life insurance business as a whole is about 2 years.... Many will not last 2 months.. For those that make it past the 2 year mark, there is a decent chance they will still be around at the ten year mark but many will not make it. It is a psychologically wearing business.
You don't have to concentrate on those that are in abject poverty... And, if I start to pull up to a house and see all the signs that it is going to be downright nasty on the inside , I back out and go find another prospect.. The nice thing about being an independent agent is you can pick and choose you clientele..

That's pre-judging, a definite no-no in sales.
That's pre-judging, a definite no-no in sales.

At $30/lead, I'm knocking that door unless there is a fence and a pit bull between me and the door. In those cases, I pick up the empty beer cans laying along the sidewalk and toss them against the doors and windows until someone answers the door. I don't care what The house looks like on the outside, I want to get inside to that kitchen table. I don't sit at sofas and couches, 'cause I won't sit in cat piss. "Where is a table we can sit down at?" If they insist on the sofa, I try again by saying, "No, this won't work. Where is your table? I have not yet had someone refuse to go clear off the table and make way for me to sit and present on that second try. If you don't want to sit in cat piss, insist on the kitchen table.

That being said, two weeks ago as I was sitting at the table I suddenly caught the odor of fresh feces. I looked down, and the prospect's dog was hunched down taking a dump right next to my foot. So the kitchen table may save you from sitting in cat piss, but it does open you up to stepping in dog shit.
That's pre-judging, a definite no-no in sales.
Not for me.. I don't have to do this to make a living any more...I have the luxury of choosing who I want to do business with.. When I started as a captive debit agent, that wasn't the case as I had to service the ones already on the books. But even then, when I canvassed I chose the homes that were fairly well kept on the outside.
I tried to buy a Whole Life insurance policy but when they got to my employment, they turned me down. They said the life expectancy of a final expense agent is just too short.

They did offer me a one year Term.

Did they ask you if you wanted a free psychological exam as well... too insure your condition wan't progressing... :laugh:

...perhaps they should have sent you in for the "cat piss" test... nothing like a little urine to confirm a condition... :twitchy: