Carville on Obamacare


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As most know, James Carville is pretty smart and pithy even though he looks more and more like a space alien each day and you have to wade through a lot of hot air and putting a pretty face on dem issues in order to hear something new out of him. Usually I just tune him out unless he is going to say something new.

Anyway, I was listening to CNN for a minute last night and I was surprised to hear him flat-footed say that if the dems do not pass some kind of bill before the next election that they are going to get "slaughtered" and will lose the majority in both the Senate and House. Holy Shoot, he is really talking over the heads of the republicans and trying to put the fear of god into the dems. I haven't heard any republican pundit seriously say that the majorities could be turned around so he is really sabre rattling with the base. He usually plays the role of trying to pretty up any disaster going on. On the other hand he does speak from experience here and as you recall President Bubba also warned that the one thing they learned was that "half a loaf was better than none."

He went on to say that the major reversal in '94 came about not because Hillary proposed hillarycare but because she got nothing passed, not even some crumbs, and that once that happens the public sees you as powerless and a feeding frenzy begins. Of course, there is no love between the Obama camp and Carville who is still loyal to Hillary and miffed about the way the dems threw her under the bus so he is working some baggage and some angles too.

Nevertheless, tis always good to take a quick break from criticizing the dems and watch them cannabalize each other and try to fend off a panic. Probably Obama and Pelosi will try to pick out a few consensus areas and try to get them passed piecemeal in order to fend off the aforementioned problem. Then the repubs will say that we need to "comprehensive reform" so that we moving to a plan and know where we are headed rather than just tacking on new programs. Translation: Biding time to the election. Gotta love it.

Olympia was Obama's ticket to the half-loaf but he decided to let Harry Reid scorn her. Obama can always go back and court Olympia again if he likes finding out what it like trying to make up to a scorned woman. I will pass on that myself. It is only slightly less painful than running into a brick wall at 80mph. Keep in mind that although Olympia is a RINO, she is nevertheless a Republican so if they reclaim Washington her star just keeps rising given all of her seniority. And you Senator Reid and Pres. Obama? How does it work out for you?

Feeling the love.
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In all seriousness, I think many people would appreciate seeing some actual reforms happening NOW as a result of this administration's leadership (can we just start with Medicare/Medicaid?)

When campaigning the pols yak yak yak about all that they will do once they get elected - "We're gonna change this and that, y'all" - and then once elected, it's SOS, just another day.

So....just because a particular bill is having some difficulties here and there, doesn't mean other things can't be done.

I'm just sayyin.
Carville knows that millions of people that voted for Obama are going to turn on him in droves if Obama does not get the USA out of Iraq and Afghanistan fast. If Obama sends more soldiers over to Afghanistan the democrats will get destroyed in the mid term elections next fall. Its as simple as that.
Carville knows that millions of people that voted for Obama are going to turn on him in droves if Obama does not get the USA out of Iraq and Afghanistan fast. If Obama sends more soldiers over to Afghanistan the democrats will get destroyed in the mid term elections next fall. Its as simple as that.

It's the economy sir.
It is indeed the economy.

That was Clinton's rallying cry. "It's the economy, stupid".

The economy was the battle ground issue in yesterday's election. It will continue to be for several months.

In spite of what Wall St pundits say, we are just beginning to see the beginning of bank failures. The FDIC is in trouble and the new fee & reserve requirements are forcing the banks that can, and want to make loans, to hold back.

Commercial loans are going to start falling apart in the first quarter of 2010. Watch for unemployment to continue to rise and probably spike in the 12% range by next spring.

This is not a pretty picture and is not going to favor the incumbent party in next years election.

Carville is a brilliant guy even though he went to LSU and has as good a handle on American politics as anyone. He is one of the few who could hold his own with Tim Russert and when he talks, people listen.

Yes, he is good at spin and a fiercely loyal Clintonista, but the guy knows his stuff.

I doubt Obama and company are bright enough to heed his warnings and that is good for the rest of us.
I think we could be in real trouble - an entire economy reset is in order.

Consumers can only buy so much stuff and take on so much debt before it comes to and end. Can't buy any more junk.

When you can't buy more junk and take on any more debt that causes companies to lay off or fail entirely.

Then it spins; more people earning less = more people spending less = more unemployment = even more spending less.

We are going to have to move from consumerism to a savings-based society.

This issue has nothing to do with political parties. Not more than 40 years ago we had a huge manufacturing base. That is now all but gone which means far less jobs available for the lower middle class.

We are just not starting to see the drastic affect of not producing goods and if you think it's bad now just wait 20 years.
Carville knows that millions of people that voted for Obama are going to turn on him in droves if Obama does not get the USA out of Iraq and Afghanistan fast. If Obama sends more soldiers over to Afghanistan the democrats will get destroyed in the mid term elections next fall. Its as simple as that.

I don't think so.
I agree with Carville totally in that if there is no Healthcare ... I mean insurance "freebee," Barry will go the way of painter paints. Just another fad that was real happening at the time, but not an enduring fashion staple.
It is more about this to Bo's buttwipe bridgade than anything else. That and employment. They are too wrapped up in themselves to really think a whole lot about Iraq, Afghanistan or Iran for that matter, much less anything geopolitical, but when you cut into their money, well that's different story.
Further, I say its starting to unravel, finally, N.J. and VA ... the iceberg tip.
I have never seen more brilliant tactical manouvering then that recent tv add where the narrator comments that the economy is too unstable to support the HR bill as the employer calls someone into his office, his co - workers looking at him with pity, I don't think our boy was in for a job promotion? And it's true. Besides our end of this, I do not think that sticking one 6th of the economy into gridlock is really going to promote business and job growth at this time?
Besides people "waiting to see what is going to happen," before they cowboy up and apply for coverage, how many others are waiting to start or invest in their current or new businesses? Stimulate that Reverend Wrong.
Too much to fast Obamadolf. First work on the economy, then the health insurance ... I mean healthcare situation.
Too much at once means NOTHING gets acomplished, you look powerless, not too mention useless to the electorate and its back to community organizing for you come 2014. Hey, at least you had that book deal? Barry, ever hear the one about the father and son bull looking down a hill at a field of cows? Timing Kenyan ... timing.
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The CIT failure will have an impact on small businesses. Many rely on them to make payroll and finance end of the year inventory.
We are going to have to move from consumerism to a savings-based society.

This issue has nothing to do with political parties. Not more than 40 years ago we had a huge manufacturing base. That is now all but gone which means far less jobs available for the lower middle class.

We are just not starting to see the drastic affect of not producing goods and if you think it's bad now just wait 20 years.

This has been happening already, the savings rate is up from being a negative number. There is still a tremendous amount of debt out there that needs to paid off or written off for things to turn around. I see the U.S. on a path similar to England, they essentially drove the manufacturing base out of the country by making too many demands. They are essentially a serviced based economy at this point.