Carville on Obamacare

INS DAVE SAID- "I don't think so.
I agree with Carville totally in that if there is no Healthcare ... I mean insurance "freebee," Barry will go the way of painter paints. Just another fad that was real happening at the time"

If joe citizen is as dumb as a sheep and as gullible as you make him out to be then why do we have a forum like this full of insurance agents/MGA's hunting here for prospects on the internet when they could just walk out the front door and sell all those sheep? Seriously come on! Most people are not dumb enough to expect Obama to be able to fix problems like the economy and health care which have been messed up for decades. Most people know that it would take a miracle worker to fix those things. Obama beat out clinton because he was against the wars. Hillary was a shoe in to win the presidency and she screwed it up by voting to go to war in Iraq. Obama got the nod over Hillary because he promised to end the nonsense in the middle east and if he does not do it fast he will be gone .
I posted this before but there are ugly realities if we want manufacturing back since we have to compete in the global market.

Factory workers cannot be middle class - they can barely be lower middle. They don't own homes or cars - you basically warehouse them like China, Japan, India, etc...

Our society is not prepared to accept that. Liberals would have a a heart attack if someone watching bottles travel down a conveyor belt didn't own a $200,000 home and earn $22/hr.
INS DAVE SAID- "I don't think so.
I agree with Carville totally in that if there is no Healthcare ... I mean insurance "freebee," Barry will go the way of painter paints. Just another fad that was real happening at the time"



Carville is a brilliant guy even though he went to LSU and has as good a handle on American politics as anyone. He is one of the few who could hold his own with Tim Russert and when he talks, people listen.

Yes, he is good at spin and a fiercely loyal Clintonista, but the guy knows his stuff.

I doubt Obama and company are bright enough to heed his warnings and that is good for the rest of us.
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Behold ... the precious.
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INS DAVE SAID- "I don't think so.
I agree with Carville totally in that if there is no Healthcare ... I mean insurance "freebee," Barry will go the way of painter paints. Just another fad that was real happening at the time"

If joe citizen is as dumb as a sheep and as gullible as you make him out to be then why do we have a forum like this full of insurance agents/MGA's hunting here for prospects on the internet when they could just walk out the front door and sell all those sheep? Seriously come on! Most people are not dumb enough to expect Obama to be able to fix problems like the economy and health care which have been messed up for decades. Most people know that it would take a miracle worker to fix those things. Obama beat out clinton because he was against the wars. Hillary was a shoe in to win the presidency and she screwed it up by voting to go to war in Iraq. Obama got the nod over Hillary because he promised to end the nonsense in the middle east and if he does not do it fast he will be gone .

You and I, like myself and Al differ greatly in terms of personal philosophy.
You come onto this forum with no ins. background making broad sweeping comments about said industry and the people in it. Last Friday, I was having a drink at a place up the road. Hadn't been there in over 6 mos. I had no interest in talking about H.C.R. but, of course inevitably, the questions started. "Hey Dave … how's business?" "What do you think of this Healthcare reform issue, etc?"
While speaking with a former ins. agent about how health insurance was only one piece in the total economic makeup of the U.S. and that having the govt. phase out private industry and take it over would only increase costs and in doing also create rationing etc., we are interrupted by someone who chimes in with "Yeah, that would make us a civilized country …"
You get me? This character isn't even trying to understand this situation or get a handle on it. He, like millions of others just wants to be self righteous and blurt out blanket statements like the aforementioned. He wants to be taken care of.
Personally, I have mixed views on the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. I'm not sure removing Hussein and the following actions were or are worth the costs, but that is a separate issue. "Joe citizen" has no immediate skin in the game ... its an afterthought to them.
Plenty of coverage has been "sold," plenty more will be once this gridlock loosens up.
You talk about "Joe citizen." "Joe" has his head so far up his / her own butt that it is amazing that he / she don't suffocate. Perhaps that is what is happening with the economy right now. That same former ins. agent that I spoke of earlier, who is in that bar 3 days a week, smokes, etc. hasn't paid his mortgage and is facing foreclosure. He, like millions of self serving other "Joe citizens," took out a variable interest mortgage and now, due to his (their) greed is in a bad situation. "Seemed like a good idea at the time…"
Frankly, except for the fact that this degree of avarice was so widespread that it caused the current economic problems for everyone, I find it hard to give a gypsy's for people like this. They are going to learn the hard way time and time again. This type of person is everywhere. They: cut you off in traffic while on the cell phone, park their shopping cart in the middle of the aisle, (oblivious to the fact that others are also trying to shop for food and may need to get by) and like yesterday, try to jump in line in front of you at the computer repair store.
More, more, more … how do you like it, how do you like it …?
Recalibration time America. But that won't happen because stupid cannot be fixed so ultimately all will find their own level.
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AL3 SAID- "I have asked the list-owner to delete this post for violating the pejorative name-calling rule that has been established.

I suggest you edit it... or see it gone. Your choice.


Take the diapers off Al 3! We don't need to go crying to mommy over Ins Dave's childish insults! Dave is a raving lunatic I rather enjoy watching him dig himself in deep! I mean anytime some fool tries to support his ideas by events and conversations that occurred in a bar its getting pretty funny.

INS DAVE SAID- "You come onto this forum with no ins. background making broad sweeping comments about said industry and the people in it"

Nobody hates conceited boasting insurance agents more then me. That being said I take a deep pride in the fact that I make a good enough living at selling insurance that i dont have to crawl into forums on the internet like this one and try to con unsuspecting new agents into contracting underneath me. If I dont sell another insurance policy for the next 3 years I will still get along fine on my renewals. II sold every one of those policies the old fashioned way by earning the sale not by going on the internet and recruiting agents to work for me. Those that can do and those that cant try to trick those that can to work for them. Not that Im saying you are like this Dave but many losers in this forum are here for no other reason and I have not an ounce of respect for them They are losers masquerading as insurance agents and frankly I dont like it. Once again Dave Im not saying you are one of those creepy crawlers. All I know about you dave is you call Obama 'barry" ha ha ha ha and are one hell of a rant and raver............To that I say bring it hard and bring it long and let the party begin!

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Yeah, we do have to alert the list-owner as he has said that he is fine with differences of opinion, even passionate ones, but he is drawing the line at direct, personal ad hominem, pejorative name calling.

He does not want me to call someone an asshole (I'm going cold turkey here!!) and told me to let him know what posts by what people make attacks on me and he will enforce the same rules on them as he wants me to follow.

It's up to you how you want to handle it. You already know how I'm handling it. Your choice.

Fair and balanced.


Well, that's typical.
In his own way Al conceids yet another defeat.
We like your creative ranting and occaisional insight, but we don't like your hurtful name calling, and of course Mr. mamby pamby socialist sell out himself is right in there suckling at the teet of Melmunch.
Considering what this country is more than flirting with these days, and what the hater of Neocon's is supporting, this is not surprising.
Personally, I like being called a Neocon. It's hilarious.
I don't see eveybody here getting all "upset" over that? I see other "forumers" laughing about it. Ala, is that a "neocon alert?" etc.
Even Yoda acknowledges that it is silly with his "take the diapers off AL"(good one by the way) crack.
Yo Munchkin, could you guys be any more flambe?
I'll tell you something. The secret to failure is trying to please everybody.
Munchmeat, at least have the sense to not "edit" this email until the other formers have an opportunity to state whether or not they support freedom of expression?
Can you not see that this is just another way big Al is trying to piss everyone off? He can't win an arguement to save his life so he figures he will just ruin this forum for everyone by doing the brown nose boogie with you in order to make the forum nice and homogenous and safe (i.e.) boring.
What is this, a bridge club?
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It's real simple dave. The list-owner wants the rhetoric dialed down a notch and one way to do that is to request/require that people no longer call each other pejorative names.

You can still disapprove of me and I of you. But you can't call me a #$%^ and I can't call you a *&^%$.

Why is that so difficult to understand, and why (so far) is it only you and Yoda who object to this?

I think it is a reasonable requirement. I think the vast majority of others here do as well.

If you can't or won't deal with it perhaps you should move to a different forum or perhaps start your own where YOU moderate.

And calling the list-owner "munchmeat" is probably not the best way to make your argument with him.


Now, if only you could make a living as a professional ass kisser?
Gentlemen. Let us put more love into our posts.

Granted, Wintafresh, but Alvin started it with his sissified rat out to Melmunch?
Plus, at least admit that you found that statement mildly amusing?

P.S. I'd rather put my "love" into Pelosi ... ohhhhhhhhhhhh!
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You seem to have no hesitation suggesting and referring to many of us here as inept, greedy ignorant insurance agents only concerned about their next commission. And when some one comes out ready to pick up sticks and stones with you you run and cry to mommy. Just because we may not buy into the same rhetoric (BS) or wish to drink the Kool-Aid you so quickly gulp down should not be construed to mean any of us would not yearn for simpler, fairer, cleaner, safer, balanced, etc. world. The difference here is most of us I believe do not believe that one Uncle Tom, a Pelosi and a monkey will get us there. I have about 5000 years of history is on my side, what do you have?

It's real simple dave. The list-owner wants the rhetoric dialed down a notch and one way to do that is to request/require that people no longer call each other pejorative names.

You can still disapprove of me and I of you. But you can't call me a #$%^ and I can't call you a *&^%$.

Why is that so difficult to understand, and why (so far) is it only you and Yoda who object to this?

I think it is a reasonable requirement. I think the vast majority of others here do as well.

If you can't or won't deal with it perhaps you should move to a different forum or perhaps start your own where YOU moderate.

And calling the list-owner "munchmeat" is probably not the best way to make your argument with him.
