Chris Westfall -- "WING IT .."

The threads are filling up with cranky people today!
"Wing it and if you have to, CORRECT IT AFTER THE FACT." (43:47) Christ Westfall - Dave Duford Interview

The premise of the this statement was during the final phase of the interview. The premise of his statement revolved around Dave question of, "What does it take to succeed in this business..?"

I learned a little about Chris Westfall while browsing old YT videos and reading his online commentary. He has an extremely demeaning attitude toward the FE market - both as an agent and the dlientel

I'm curious to all those who have a senior citizen's money/life/health in your hands - do you "fake it till you make it.." Do you "WING IT(filling out paperwork correctly) AND CORRECT IT AFTER THE FACT?"

As an ex police officer - is this how he would handle his paperwork when dealing with a suspect? Someone's LIFE literally in his hands.. "FAKE IT..GET THROUGH IT.. THEN CORRECT IT IF NEED BE.."...?

Isn't it illegal knowingly to falsifying a legal document?
or DOES AN AGENT GET A PASS FOR correcting it with a given certain amount of time?

Seems shady to me. I'm not saying he's unethical or a con artist. At ALL. I thought he was giving his true feeling on what a green pea rep should do wen they are stuck with a hard choice with no where to tourn

Do you recommend this strategy?

Disclaimer: I do not work in htst-present nor forseeable futue with him,.

westfall is a nucking futjob
Curious... who made You, Daytimer, and NSRH the new morality police around here?

I wasn't aware I had been promoted:policeman: ... though I'm not sure "promoted" is the right word :skeptical: ... and no, I doubt JD ever called anyone that word ... sometime some folks take things too far by far

Does the Forum have a "Safe Space"?:err:

I think it's "buttercup," ... or was it, "Beetlejuice." Oh, wait, I thought you said "safe word" ... nevermind ;)
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