Christian Health Ministries

I gained a client today that was on a chm plan last year. They were sold a bill of goods, even had gold plan on the card, but it was nothing but a discount plan where they tried to negotiate the price down. Well the guy ran up $60,000 of medical bills last year even with their so called discount and chm said there is nothing we can do. They also would not pay for preX which they did not understand since obamacare was suppose to pay.

I don't know why the DOI's allow this crap.

Here is what is laid out on the CHM website:

Pre-existing conditions
This information also appears in CHM Guidelines Z and AA

Definition: A pre-existing condition is any medical condition for which you experience signs, symptoms or treatment before joining Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM), even if you have not been diagnosed. CHM cannot share medical bills incurred before you join the ministry.

Active vs. maintenance: We distinguish between pre-existing conditions in "active" treatment and "maintenance" treatment. Medical bills cannot be shared if, at the time you join CHM, the bills are for pre-existing conditions that are actively undergoing treatment other than with maintenance (routine) medications. After the incident is over and your doctor states that you are on a maintenance treatment regimen, bills for any new incident related to the pre-existing illness are eligible for sharing according to the information below.

Schedule: If these criteria are met, Gold level members can receive assistance with medical bills for pre-existing conditions according to the following schedule:

In the first year of participation, bills incurred for a pre-existing condition are eligible for sharing up to $15,000.
In the first two years of participation, bills incurred for a pre-existing condition are eligible for sharing up to $25,000 ($15,000 during the first year plus $10,000 during the second year).
In the first three years of participation, bills incurred for a pre-existing condition are eligible for sharing up to $50,000 ($15,000 during the first year plus $10,000 during the second year plus $25,000 during the third year).
After the third year of participation, the condition will no longer be considered pre-existing.

Prayer Page: Bills exceeding the three-year schedule listed above may be eligible to appear on the ministry's Prayer Page printed in the monthly CHM newsletter. All CHM members are invited and encouraged to give to Prayer Page needs (above regular monthly gifts) as they feel led. Members' names, addresses, medical need explanation and gift updates are included on the page. Prayer Page contributions are tax-deductible, unlike CHM regular program monthly financial gifts. To learn more about the Prayer Page, call 1-800-791-6225 (ask for the Prayer Page) or send us a message.

Maternity: If a member joins CHM while she is pregnant, bills for that pregnancy cannot be shared through the regular CHM sharing program or through the Prayer Page. Members must have a due date for delivery at least 300 days after joining CHM for bills to be eligible for sharing. Please note: Our Gold program offers a generous maternity program. Silver and Bronze exclude most maternity costs. To learn more about maternity, visit our maternity page.

It seems pretty clear cut to me. Also, when you sign on you have to sign an acknowledgment form that you have read and understand the guidelines.

OB as in Obstetrics, maternity coverage, OB-GYN

But beware, if you're not married...

"9. Unwed mothers. There are times, even in the Christian community, that unwed women become pregnant. Christian Healthcare Ministries members have agreed not to share medical bills for pregnancies of unwed mothers.

Instead, CHM recognizes that in such circumstances, the assistance needed goes far beyond financial aid. Therefore, we encourage you to seek help from a compassionate, Christian pregnancy center if you find yourself in this situation. That agency will be best suited to address all of your needs—spiritual, emotional, financial, and physical. You are in our prayers."


Why do I get the feeling this has morphed into a Bible drill where each side tries to prove their point by pulling out a verse?
From what I understand, CHM only covers $125k per injury/Illness? Without a PPO network to price/discount claims, $125k would be a week in the hospital for a serious injury/illness?