Christmas & New Years

Up to this point, I've tried to approach this conversation with humor, and not really engage. But (I'm probably going to regret it) I feel compelled to jump in here because you've moved it from a generally civil exchange into condescension and insults.

I would never have thought that "thinking like a cop" would be viewed as an insult.

Then again, I'd never think I'd live to see a US President who could inspire this:

Republican Fanboy.JPG

The face of the Demoratic Party which promotes POST-birth abortion, taking your guns away, open borders, free medical insurance to anybody that sets foot in our can go on and on. How the hell anybody could vote Democrat is beyond belief!!! :mad:
As Don Jr. pointed out...Adam Schiff is FOS(Full Of Schiff).

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I would never have thought that "thinking like a cop" would be viewed as an insult.

Then again, I'd never think I'd live to see a US President who could inspire this:

View attachment 5762
I didn't say that that particular comment was an insult, but I can see in context why I may have given that impression. The point I was making (in my point #1, which referenced the "cop" comment) had to do with what I believe is a common misunderstanding about the way a congressional inquiry is supposed to be conducted, vs the way this one has been conducted. Unfortunately, neither the Democrats nor the Republicans seem to understand their role.

From Wikipedia:

"Impeachment in the United States is the process by which a legislature (usually in the form of the lower house) brings charges against a civil officer of government for crimes alleged to have been committed, analogous to the bringing of an indictment by a grand jury."

There's no place for thinking like a cop, or like a lawyer, in these proceedings.

But, again, I didn't think your "cop" comment was insulting. It just seemed to indicate a degree of misunderstanding about the Committee's role.

The comments that I felt were insulting were laid out in my point #3:

3) As I started out to say, you've moved into condescension and insults. People with "an open mind" can clearly come to different understandings. Anybody that's ever served on a jury can attest to that! To accuse Louis or anyone else of not having an open mind because they disagree with you is condescending at best. Saying he's posting "like some Fox talking head" is downright insulting! As if he disagrees with you, so he couldn't possibly be thinking for himself!

Here's the complete quote:
But don't post here sounding like some Fox talking head. All the words are out there for anyone with open mind and ears to hear.

You're a good guy, and make good arguments that are worth considering. But you discredit your own position if you belittle someone with whom you disagree.
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But you discredit your own position if you belittle someone with whom you disagree.

Civil discourse had been eroded by the argumentation of feeling as opposed to fact. We are on a slipper slope our fore fathers warned us of. The truth must have a standing over our own emotions and desires for the sake of justice and proper governance.

The rule of law cannot long bear the assault on truth.

The sort of thing that is going on at the moment under minds the freedom of the individual and submits it to the ruling of the masses and their whims... history is littered with what happens next. To forget the past, is to repeat it.
I'm kind of dreading going to Thanksgiving dinner. I love every one of my family members and friends that will be there, and wouldn't miss it for the world. But certain family members are likely to pop off with some glib political comment, then someone else will feel compelled to speak up and answer for their political tribe. That may escalate, then they'll start throwing food, which may include the pecan pie! That would make me really mad! I love me some pecan pie!
There's no place for thinking like a cop, or like a lawyer, in these proceedings.

I'm talking specifically about the facts, and just the facts. We may disagree as to whether the facts of the case rise to the level of an offense justifying removing a sitting President. What I find most disturbing about the last three years is that we seem not to able even to agree on the facts, even when they are staring us in the face. There are not facts and alternate facts. There are facts. When I referenced think like a cop I was meaning we should look to gather the facts. After all, that is what the impeachment hearings are thus far - fact gathering. It is not a trial. The trial takes place in the Seantae,

Again, we can debate what the facts mean, but we shouldn't have to debate whether his facts are better than her facts, for example.

There is no way someone can watch the hearings (the witness testimony, not CNN's or Fox's interpretation, not Schiff's or Nunes's grandstanding - just the witnesses themselves) and not come away being certain that it is a fact that President Trump wanted Ukraine to announce an investigation into the Bidens, and that he was delaying an invitation to the White House and the military aid on account of that desire on his part.

We can then debate whether or not he should therefore be impeached or not, impeached and removed or just impeached but not removed, etc. But if we are at the point where we close our eyes to common facts then we are fvcked. Absolutley fvcked. The epitomy of FUBAR.
