Civil War? Nah!

His choice appeared to be withdraw per the agreement or recommit and send back a combat force. If he had decided to refuel the war he'd be catching heat from the right wing media that he couldn't end the war.

Lisa Curtis who served during Trumps administration had this to say about Trump's agreement:

“The Doha agreement was a very weak agreement, and the U.S. should have gained more concessions from the Taliban,” said Lisa Curtis, an Afghanistan expert who served during the Trump administration as the National Security Council’s senior director for South and Central Asia.

She called it “wishful thinking” to believe that the Taliban might be interested in lasting peace. The resulting agreement, she said, was heavily weighted toward the Taliban, contributed to undermining Afghan President Ashraf Ghani — he fled the country Sunday and is now in the United Arab Emirates — and facilitated the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners without a commensurate concession from the Taliban.

“They wanted U.S. forces out, and they wanted to take over the country militarily, and they believed that they could do that,” Curtis said of the Taliban. “That was just crystal clear.”
So you are saying Biden was so weak he could not take a little heat from the GOP?
So you are saying Biden was so weak he could not take a little heat from the GOP?
Unlike Trump, most deals are honored. If not, the global diplomatic community would be less trusting. But let's assume, Biden decided not to leave. How many Americans would have died in subsequent years, with the Afghan government collapsed, no internal security forces and 5000 additional top Talibans on the loose? It's guaranteed it would have been many times more than died during the pullout. And for what? To merely postpone the eventual withdrawal a year or three and go through the same risks again? Pulease, use a little logic and common sense.