Class Code Question for Building Owner

I went over to the other agency and just flat out told him i am an agency owner and wanted to ask him some questions.

He seems like a friendly guy, and we got to talk about this policy. I ask him how can he classify this in this way. He tells me because it is a landlord building (lessor risk) so he uses that classification regardless of the restaurant. I said but the its not a bank or an office operation, he tells me its still a lessor risk because the owner leases it out.

is this correct or this guy just doesn't know what hes talking about?
I have never heard this before,

I have to think the company would want to know what the business is.....

Well, keep the guys name, when the place has a large claim that isnt paid, he will call you.

You know, it could be, this is what the company is allowing this agent to do.....IDK, I sure wouldnt want to write it that way.
I know when I write a lessors risk policy it specifically asks what the use of the property is... there's even a box that asks if it is a bar or restaurant. I know there are a thousand carriers out there, but that's just what I've seen in dealing with a couple of the bigger ones.