CMS Statement on System Changes to Stop Unauthorized Agent and Broker Marketplace Activity

That’s the key Chazm isn’t taking into account .All these last 4-5 yrs every company built a little on the plan yr to yr . When you called your client “ Mrs Jones your specialist copay dropped from $20 to $10 and your dental went up $500 . You been happy with your plan ? 95% if the time they’d say yes . Ok let’s stay put . In 2025 there could be vast vast differences in plans . Ests from research firms say as many as 90% of people could be shopping . No long term agent wants to flip his book . Stability yr to yr is what grows your renewals . If I’m spending almost all aep moving plans I’m not growing my book . Unfortunately this aep is going to be like that . Med sup agents will be grappling with massive rate increases and doubling of pdp premiums in some cases . Nobody’s going ti be happy the next yr . Agents , members or CO’s . We all do the best we can and what happens happens .

Don, I am taking it into account. I’ve been doing this longer than 4-5 years. I’ve seen plenty of plans get worse. I don’t sell on “this is the lowest copay plan available”. I stopped that years ago.

What you guys aren’t taking into account is I’m not flipping people from leads. So, of course I would welcome a system where it’s a pain in the ass to change AOR.
That’s the key Chazm isn’t taking into account .All these last 4-5 yrs every company built a little on the plan yr to yr . When you called your client “ Mrs Jones your specialist copay dropped from $20 to $10 and your dental went up $500 . You been happy with your plan ? 95% if the time they’d say yes . Ok let’s stay put . In 2025 there could be vast vast differences in plans . Ests from research firms say as many as 90% of people could be shopping . No long term agent wants to flip his book . Stability yr to yr is what grows your renewals . If I’m spending almost all aep moving plans I’m not growing my book . Unfortunately this aep is going to be like that . Med sup agents will be grappling with massive rate increases and doubling of pdp premiums in some cases . Nobody’s going ti be happy the next yr . Agents , members or CO’s . We all do the best we can and what happens happens .

Barring the need to do 3 way calls to CMS which would be an absolute disaster

The thing is this, The people have been on a sugar high since covid, and that is going to crash because
1 the normal way things go and it was due
2 the artificial boast is being taken away
3 the pressure of rising cost to medical providers effecting deal with carriers
4 the inflation reduction act is going to it predicted outcome

However in itself in the long term the benefits not really that big of a deal on MA plans, it will even out

However in the next year maybe 2 people are going to be in sticker shock, they are going to get quotes from many people to compare, they are going to go to medicare,gov, they are going to be in indecision

because they wont want to believe this is real that they cannot get what they had before

all that means is we will work 2 times as hard for the same result for a year or 2

then it will even out

there is also a lot of opportunity if we can find a way to be efficient with clients
Barring the need to do 3 way calls to CMS which would be an absolute disaster

The thing is this, The people have been on a sugar high since covid, and that is going to crash because
1 the normal way things go and it was due
2 the artificial boast is being taken away
3 the pressure of rising cost to medical providers effecting deal with carriers
4 the inflation reduction act is going to it predicted outcome

However in itself in the long term the benefits not really that big of a deal on MA plans, it will even out

However in the next year maybe 2 people are going to be in sticker shock, they are going to get quotes from many people to compare, they are going to go to medicare,gov, they are going to be in indecision

because they wont want to believe this is real that they cannot get what they had before

all that means is we will work 2 times as hard for the same result for a year or 2

then it will even out

there is also a lot of opportunity if we can find a way to be efficient with clients
The key words few understand is “ people won’t believe this is real and they can’t get what they had before” . We as agents believe are clients are loyal . But the key words above mean “ maybe there’s something better out there” . They’re not going to believe there’s not better out there and that leads to looking around . Thats like saying your long time mechanic quotes you $800 for a brake job and you’re in sticker shock . Your first thoughts are I’m going to look around i know there’s cheaper out there . In a nutshell anyone who has a decent size book is vunerable to a nice loss of clients this yr no matter what you do. Personally i think oep will be 100 times worse than aep as people start using there plans
The key words few understand is “ people won’t believe this is real and they can’t get what they had before” . We as agents believe are clients are loyal . But the key words above mean “ maybe there’s something better out there” . They’re not going to believe there’s not better out there and that leads to looking around . Thats like saying your long time mechanic quotes you $800 for a brake job and you’re in sticker shock . Your first thoughts are I’m going to look around i know there’s cheaper out there . In a nutshell anyone who has a decent size book is vunerable to a nice loss of clients this yr no matter what you do. Personally i think oep will be 100 times worse than aep as people start using there plans

Ill add to it, Because its more like you get that $800 quote for breaks

and you see advertisements every second saying You can get the breaks for free and not only that you are not only going to get that for free
but they will give you a free lunch while you wait
Ill add to it, Because its more like you get that $800 quote for breaks

and you see advertisements every second saying You can get the breaks for free and not only that you are not only going to get that for free
but they will give you a free lunch while you wait
There’s not a week that goes by that i don’t get 1-2 or more calls asking “ I just saw i qualify for $2500 a yr food benefit online. Am I eligible ?” Another one i get a ton is “ I just got a text that I’m eligible for free gas” Shit you not i got a call from a dual client a few weeks ago . He said “ My wife got their mechanic bill paid by Humana can i get that ?” . The ease of information at peoples finger tips as caused much of this . In the old days it was a pia to shop around . As far as aca goes if you have to do a 3 way call to the marketplace to change an aor then rewrite the app it takes away the appeal for me to do much aca . Even people that had an aca in the past that had another agent the app will be coded to the old agent . The reason i know this . I wrote a girl 3 yrs ago. She kept the plan 4 months . She popped back in my ambetter portal last month. Another agent wrote it and it was coded to me .
There’s not a week that goes by that i don’t get 1-2 or more calls asking “ I just saw i qualify for $2500 a yr food benefit online. Am I eligible ?” Another one i get a ton is “ I just got a text that I’m eligible for free gas” Shit you not i got a call from a dual client a few weeks ago .
I've never received a call like this. Seems to be the market that you target, and the book that you've built. I prefer mine.
I've never received a call like this. Seems to be the market that you target, and the book that you've built. I prefer mine.

I have received calls like this in the past 2 years from even many of my long time Medicare supplement clients